Ugh, Mondays!

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A picture of Kyren^^


Kyren POV

Welcome to my life, let me just start by saying it sucks. My family is really annoying, don't get me wrong I love those suckers to death. Hehe the irony. Anyways, I have an older brother and a sister that I love the most. My parents are always out on "business" and my big brother is a senior at my school so he has all these "duties" to do. And my sister is like my at home bestfriend. We talk about school, life, crushes, food, especially food, and shoes. My sis is kind of a tomboy but eh, she seems to amaze me. I'm a light skin toned boy with black spikey hair, sadly I'm only 16, and I cant wait to get behind a wheel. I go to high school, I'm in 10th grade right now and I have the best friend in the world. I have other friends of course I'm not that sad. But she is the closer to me. Also because she knows "ALL" my secrets.

It nearing to the end of summer, which was one of the times my parents actually paid us any attention.  We would all go school shopping and prepare to set new schedules for ourselves, due to my family's little well, big secret. It was Friday and my mom, dad, big bro, and little sister were all at target looking for stuff to buy. we had just left Walmart, and the dollar store.

Yes, my parents have awesome, good money paying jobs but they were still cheap. I think they would give Mr.Krabs a run for his money. Lol, ahhh life.

"Wait, I want the Pegasus notebook!" Esme almost screamed. My mom saw the price and almost fainted. "$75 dollars for a bag, have they lost their minds in this place!" My mom was now holding her hand over her heart and I just rolled my eyes.

"There is now way in HELL we are getting that Esme"

"But why, stop being cheap and hand over the bag"

"Excuse me, but who the hell do you think you're talking too?"

"Umm, thy lady that squeezed me out her vagi-" was all Esme could say before my mom hit her over the head with the bag she wanted, Esme didn't mind because in the end she got what she wanted, she had the biggest grin on her face too. My brother and I just chuckled silently in the back.

**10 Minutes Later**

"Boys, your father said to meet him at the video game section." my mom told me and my brother, I looked at my brother the look said first one there wins and with that we started running away

"NO RUNNING IN THE STORE YOU IMGRATES!" we heard our mom yell an we just burst out with laughter.

Soon we made it to our dad, well we almost knocked him down, Eric my brother won, I didn't care though I kind almost tripped on a kid, like who leaves their kid roam around in a shopping center! "Alright boys, pick out one game for one of your devices." I had an Xbox because it's clearly better than a pissy 4, I mean ps4. That's what my brother has, he also has like 4 Wii's because he had a summer job so he was able to buy them himself.

After what felt like 20 minutes, we finally decided, I got Conan Exile, and my brother got some Call of Duty game . The best shooting game until Fortnite came out and brainwashed majority of the human race, but we don't talk about that. We headed to our Mom and sister by the checkout area they had a load of stuff in the cart 96% was school supplies. The rest was a little bit of groceries and toys for our dog.


It was Sunday night, I had just finished packing my school bag for school tomorrow, God I hated school, I mean don't get me wrong its cool and all, it would be cooler if they actually made learning fun. Some teacher pull through and others just can't wait for that paycheck. I went to feed me dog, se went and ate up her doggy kibbles real quick. Our parents left us a couple thousand dollars and said they were going on a "business trip" for a couple days and will be back hopefully before next week. I swear, my siblings and I aren't that stupid. We just like not having parental authority around. Last year, Eric threw a huge party in the house and out parents came home that same night and almost ripped of his head, literally. It was the funniest thing I had seen since I was born, it was like watching those dramatic anime scenes where the girl has a foot on some poor dudes head or neck and yelling while both of their faces have this weird animation.

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