The Starting Point

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Jason POV

The walk back home was pretty rough, Kyren's brother really did a number on me. I would feel more ashamed if I wasn't already a bit beaten down before he arrived. I was at a disadvantage, more so due to his sneak attack as well. I never understood how that was even possible, me being taken down by two weak vampire teens. Everyone knows that wolves are more superior to vampires, I never understood this peace. As I was limping through the woods I realized it was getting really dark, it wasn't until now that I noticed how late it was. That fight sure did take longer than expected. I knew my dad would be mad, because this meant that I was late for training.

As the next Alpha I have a lot to prepare for, or so my father says. Although I knew he would be mad, I also knew that he would understand, because of my condition and the news I had for him.

The vampires were secretly breeding new purebloods.

Who knows how many of them are out there. I can't believe it, it was as if Goddess Selena had answered our prayers. A reason to break this retched and annoying peace. I wasn't sure why I wanted the peace to end, I guess it's just because I was grown up to hate it. My father always told me that the wolves got the sort end of the stick in this so called "peace". Due to the peace, wolves weren't allowed to roam at night past 3am. The peace said that it could mean a sign of preparation, because wolves do their best at night.

Honestly, I never understood the whole thing. I never heard the story as to why a peace was needed in the first place. Like, was there a war or a dispute or something. My thoughts were disturbed as I heard the sounds of doors slamming and children running and laughing. I had arrived to the pack village.

Which leads me to another problem the wolves had in the peace. If we wanted to live like regular people we had to abandon our village and purchase homes in the city, like humans and vampires do.

"JASON CONVEL!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?!?!!!!" my dad's voice literally shaked the whole forest and the village making everyone silence. I was embarrassed yet again. I knew that my condition and the news I had to share would ease him off of me.

"Father, I can explain" I slowly limped to him, I saw the stares and heard the 'awes' of my fellow pack members. When my dad noticed my condition his angered face turned to worry for a split second then went right back to a more angered face. My mother came running down to me with a large piece of steak in her right hand which had me confused and happy.

"Oh my, my-my child, what happened to you?! Let's get you inside." she pulled me with force and tugged me in the large tented building. Our homes where made from lots of leather and sheets and wood. Think of it like the mix of a tent and cabin combined, pretty weird, but it was our pack's traditional look.

My mother laid me on the table and started soaking some cloths in a wooden bucket with some healing herbs. I'm not sure why they were freaking out, its just some scratches, bruises and my leg is sprained. It's not like I got bitten or anything. "Son! Explain to me what happened to you now! How did you get like this?!" my father leaned over me while my mother dabbed my wounds slightly.

Now, to make it sound more "extra" as one would call it, I decided to stretch the truth a bit.

"I-I was attacked by two vampires" I said it swiftly and pretend to wince at the pain from my arm.

I could feel my mom stiffen as I said that, she sighed but started to press my wounds with more force. My dad's eyes threatened to glow golden. I knew he was upset. He walked to a wall and stood there for a few seconds. Then he punched it and yelled "I TOLD YOU ALL THIS PEACE WAS PURE BULLSHIT!! THOSE BLOOD SUCKERS HAVE THE NERVE TO ATTACK MY SON AND THEN CLAIM PEACE?!" his eyes finally turned gold and then he growled loudly causing a few 10 of his guards to pour into the room.

"Is everything okay sir?" one of the loyal pack warriors asked. My dad watched him, then me then my mother. She nodded at him with a fierce look and a still face, her eyes although were golden. My father looked back at his men "Prepare a team, we shall send the incoming peacemakers back with a message and more" his men nodded and agreed, some with a smile and they left the room, my father stormed into his room but not before stopping by me.

"After all that training, and you lose to those bloodsuckers, you should be ashamed" he walked off into his room. I wasn't sure how to feel at that point. I felt really sad but I didn't know exactly how to feel. My mother put the cloth away and with a calm but shaky voice she asked "Do you know who these vampires where that attacked you?

I didn't know what to say, I wanted to hide their identity for some reason but something inside of me wanted to tell her...needed to tell her.

"Mom, they weren't any regular vampires" I looked at her, I also heard my dad as he creeped back inside. "What do you mean, they weren't any regular vampires?" my dad asked me from the other side of the room. I felt satisfied and good, knowing that I uncovered this myself.

"They were pureblood vampires" I said weakly "That's why I couldn't win, they also caught me off guard" I figured that saying that would help him forgive me for losing. My father and mother looked shocked, their faces looked as if they had just heard the most fearful and amazing news ever.

"Son, I apologize, you did well." He looked at me and let me know that was an apology for his earlier insult. My mother had stormed out the room and my dad called out to one of his men who ran inside.

"YES SIR?!" he asked looking nervous.

"Gather all the troops, and prepare them for a journey to the vampire council...NOW!"

"Yes sir" the warrior left and I was left lying down, knowing, that we were on the brink of ending this peace and starting a war.

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