Under That Mask

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A picture Of Esme just try and picture her a bit younger or however you did before.

I woke up to the sound of Spanish music blasting form Esme's room. I looked at my pile of books and papers and how some of them were crushed and had drool on them. I laughed at the sight and got up to see a disgusting monster in the mirror. I felt bad so I avoided looking at my reflections until I was refreshed and fully awake.

I don't have self esteem issues with my appearance, Unlike a lot of people I was very blessed with good looks and a nice body. I may have the fact that I'm a vampire to thank but oh well. As I stepped out of the shower from my 20 minutes of overthinking about random things and people, I got ready. I didn't feel like finding an outfit. Most people plan their outfit out the day before but when I used to do that I would wake up feeling completely different and want to wear something else. So I just decided to wear a anime hoodie, it was just a mostly black hoodie and the right sleeve had a big red design and the left had a big blue design and the front had a small text in the right hand corner of my chest that said "Half Hot Half Cold". I knew only true anime fans would notice the jacket so I had nothing to worry about.

I also wore a black jeans and red nikes, it was pretty basic but I could care less. Once I finished up with everything I went down stairs to see Eric watching SpongeBob, Alone.

"Oh, I didn't know you were still eight years old." I teased him, he just glanced at me, "You don't have to be eight to watch an old cartoon show that you liked." he replied back pretty bitterly. I mean he was right, if its good its good. Hell, I might be 844 watching anime, if the humans live that long to make them, I just hope some vampires are in the anime business so they can keep making it.

"Buenos Dias puta's!" Esme walked down the stairs looking like a full on badass, she had a leather jacket on with the spikes and a black mini skirt with black leggings and almost knee high boots. "Why are you dressed like that?" Eric asked with a questioning tone.

"Well if you must know, my friends and I are having a party right after school at this cool castle we rented." Esme may have been a tomboy but at her core she was the most girlish most princess loving girl. She watched all the Disney princess movies about 183 times!

"Where the hell did a bunch of 14 and 15 year old's get money to rent a princess castle? And if that is the place why that outfit?!" I wont lie, I was madly confused and I needed answers.

"Princess Castle? Do I look like a little girl to you?" I wont lie but I said "yes" under my breath.

"Anyways, the castle looks like one of those medieval ones so it more royal in the old days type. And we wanna roleplay in it at the party." she seemed a bit embarrassed but I thought it was cute but Eric just busted out laughing in tears.

Esme ran towards him and smacked him across the face making him instantly stop laughing and look at her. "You big jerk!" At the time, I was drinking some water and when that slap came, I lost it and spit that water all over the counter. "Pfft, BAHAHAHAHAHAHA aaahhh" I was on the floor rolling.

"It wasn't that damn funny!" Eric said super speeding to me and slamming me against the nearest wall.

He choked me and his grip was really strong, usually when a vampire gets older so does their power so I felt pretty weak against Eric, which is why I hated getting him angry. "Let Kyren go!! AHORAA!" Esme's eyes were dark red, she was in the living room looking heated. "IM tired of you always acting like a damn idiot and a slut, you think just because you cant catch something you think those poor girls may not! I'm tired of you picking on Kyren and I everyday, You need to get a life or just do something!" and with that she sped out the house forgetting her school bag.

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