Purebloods and Alpha's

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In finding out that Jason was a wolf, I felt pretty stupid, it all made sense. My undying eagerness to stab him and the fact that he slightly intimidated me, Its not like I would ever admit that out loud, nor would any vampire.

Class had been a bit quite, at first I was confused then after listening in on a few conversations across the room, I learned that some were talking about Me and Jason's rivalry. To be honest, I didn't know news would travel that fast but hey, what could I expect, being the popular kid. New kid vs Popular kid, your typical high school drama movie plot.

"What are you thinking about?" Cameron looked at me a bit confused and was analyzing my face. "Oh, don't worry about it, I'm just thinking of more questions to ask you" I think he was satisfied and took the bait because he just smiled and continued his list of questions, which by my glances at them seemed pretty personal if you ask me.

I felt a sense of attraction behind and I knew that Jason was staring into my back, so me being the hot head I am and turned around to see him looking at me and raised an eyebrow. "Can I help you?" I added a bit of sass to my tone to make it sound rude. Apparently, I was pretty loud because half the class noticed, that or they just never stop looking at me and noticed when I turned around and said it.

"Did I ask for your help, you damn nerd?!" He growled, and glared at me very violently. Hearing that made me mad, while I have nothing against nerds, I hated being called one. I was just naturally smart, same with my brother and sister. "No, but your actions sure did imply it" I rolled my eyes and turned around to see that the whole class was quiet and watching us in awe "What?!" I said dryly and glared at them. They all turned around and went back to what they were doing immediately I ended up noticing that a few of them were recording. I know a few people who hate being recorded when they are in a fight or something, but honestly I don't care. You're in public causing a scene especially in 2019, you don't have any grounds to get mad.

"Don't make me cut your throat nerd" I heard Jason whisper to me. I laughed a bit at how dumb that sounded, he didn't stand a chance against me in a fight, werewolf or not.

"You couldn't get close, even if you tried" I said quietly trying to keep Cameron from over hearing. Jason didn't respond after that, I just heard him growl under his breath.

Class lasted pretty long but after everyone presented and embarrassing questions were asked before it ended. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, ended soon after and it was time for lunch. As usual I made my way to Zurie's locker to wait for her so we could walk to the lunch room together. As I was walking I noticed girls and even guys fawning over me. It was so cringey and I felt bad for them. I never got why everyone worshiped the popular kids.

Being a vampire has opened my eyes to a lot about humans. They are so simple minded, they think because someone is popular they have more power, or because someone is a cop they aren't on the same level. Just because you wear a badge or have the cool points in school doesn't make anyone any different of a human being. They are all the same weak and useless beings. Some of them are good for something and have potential. And speaking of those kind of people I saw Zurie, my favorite human.

"Hey, you're 20 seconds late" she pouted at me and huffed. "What is your issue ma'am?" I looked at her, she had a lot of problems but that's why I love her, we both have issues. We did date for a few weeks before we realized that we were better off as friends and then realized we were more better off as best friends.

"Let's go, I want my pizza and a slushy today, I heard they finally lowered the damn prices!" she pulled me to the lunch room. I looked and realized it wasn't as full as it was yesterday. It was weird, barley anyone was here. I saw Zurie run to the stand to buy the food so I went and found us some seats in the back away from the humans.

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