™11: guiLTY PLEAsure

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[Chapter 11: GUILTY PLEASURE ]


Why do you girls even like this stuff...

Oh come on..
It's a nice game..

But Layla!
We've played it twice already!

Come onnnn




I'm calling you if you don't play

Fine =_=
One of the most embarrassing situations you've ever been in?

Do I really have to?

You were the one who
Was so intent on playing 20 questions... :)

Guess so..
Well this one time we had guests and all and they were all seated around the food....my uncles and cousins and everyone was seated around it...
Wanna guess what Happened?

You got drunk and danced on the table?

No =_=
I was drinking some soda and I choked...
And the food...
Oh God...

Oh my gosh :-P
Poor you.

It's my turn.
How do you look like?

Woah woah
Curious, are we
Well. I have two hands two legs two eyes two ears..

Ugh just stop I'll change the question!!

You can't

Can too!
Guilty pleasure?

Oh no.
Not that.
Not. That.

Is it something perv or what?

No but it's embarrassing..
Listening to a certain kpop band but pretending to hate then infront of my sister... :(

That's so cute!!
Which kpop band?

Not telling.
And Don't call me cute!!

How do you look like tho?

Not telling you..
Maybe one day...
For now , just rest assured and know that I'm HOT
Like , very Hot...

Wow being a little narcissistic are we...

Call it what you want baby ;)

Talk to you later BABE

Yup. I'll see you later
In my dreams lol.


Written on :
May 31st, 2018
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Guilty pleasure??

Hm.. probably imagining myself when I'm all famous and people want to take pics with me and read my books... stupid I know...😂😂😂

Take a look at my other books! Enjoy ❤ :
☑Meant to be
☑I Actually Married A Muslim
☑ Confessions of a Muslim.

Happy (early) weekend , darlings ❤❤❤❤

Tima E.

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