Meeting Dark Chp 4

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Jack rises from his chair. 

"Good to see you old pal, but please explain your reasoning for your arrival" he says with a calm smile grazing his lips. The knight crosses his arms.

"I am under orders straight from the king, sir hatter" he growls with annoyance. Jack nods understanding.

"Right, seeing if I understood this here. please do join us sir Tim" jack returns to his seat, slumping slightly before sitting up properly.

"No time hatter. I have work to do" Tim holds a hand out. The sword moves itself from the chair before flying back into the knight's hands. Mark scrambles from the seat to stand on his own two feet. His eyes never leave the sword. The environment seems to grow dark.

"Is that really necessary?"


The sword changes its silvery color to an eerie black. Whenever it gleaned it showed dark green.

"You must come with me. in order of the Red King."

"But I don't want to...."

"Well its not an option."

"well it SHOULD be" Mark argues. He looks at the others for back up. They were all sipping their drinks quietly. Betrayal indeed. He turns to the knight quickly hearing the clanking of metal. He was walking towards him! Mark decided  to looks around for an escape. He pauses when he hears a deep sigh. He turns over to see warfstache stand.

"Listen Timmy. If anyone is going to kill Markiplier its going to be me. not that blasted king." 

"Blasphemy!" The knight changes the aim of his sword to warfstache now. Said man draws his rewardingly sharp dagger. A crazed grin etched on his face.

"Take back your words or lose your head now!"

"why don't you just make me sir knight. This audience wants to see you in action"

"Very well. You asked for your punishment." warfstache chuckles.


The knight charges at warfstache, sword drawn. He swings it in a smooth arc, aiming for the accused's head. Only for him to duck out of the way and kick his leg out from under him. Whilst she fought mark stared.Attention drawn away from him. A throat clears next to him. He looks over to see it's Jack.

"I believe this is the part where we escape"

"Oh yea. Let's do that thing that saves my ass" Jack nods. He makes a motion to follow him. Before disappearing into the trees of grass blades. Mark quickly does so as to not lose him. It was pretty difficult to watch him, he almost matched the grass.

"This should b the way yo escape your death if I do believe"

"wait? this is not the definite way?"

"there never is one of those here." Mark lets out a deep sigh in response.


Suddenly jack pauses, making Mark do the same.

"what? stopping why"

Jack looks around. "I believe... I forgot where it is."

"Huh... forgot what?!"

"Ummm... lets go this way"

"Why should I follow if you don't know where your going...."

"Cause you don't know either"

"Hm. Touché. Lead the way."

Jack walks ahead. Mark follows along grudgingly. The area seemed to start being consumed by a strange red fog. It covered the once beautiful blue sky. Mark looked around with curiosity.

"you do know where your going right...."

"no. That's why we're going to see someone who does." Mark silently hope that was true. The fog slowly grew thicker.

"Who could possible live in this?"

Jack doesn't reply. Mark looks strangely at him. He pauses hearing a sound. He turns, but couldn't  see far with this blasted fog. It was too creepy.

"J-Jack.... who did you saw we were going to see?... Jack?"

Mark looked back, but saw no sign of him, He looks all around. He didn't see him anywhere, him nor his hat.


"Is not with us at the moment"

Mark flips around to see another person standing there. It definitely wasn't Jack Mark's eyes narrow. The person has a red and blue aura around himself, he felt like he needed 3D glasses. It reminds him of....


"Blue actually. That name does not fit me in this backwards world."

"World... wait then it is you?!"

"Have you not figured it out yet you moron? You are in wonderland."

Mark pauses to think. It would explain a lot actually. Dark sighs.

"Of course... your are too stupid to figure that out." 

Mark rolls his eyes. He just had to make this guy a smartass huh.

"Jack is obviously looking for the white kingdom."

Mark suddenly remembers him, having forgot they escape together.

"Oh yea, where did he go?

"Tch. Like I would let the likes of him see me" Dark rolls his eyes.

"You sure are a ego..."

Dark's frown deepens. "There will come a time where you'll need my help, you'll have to pay with more than just your life... or die."

"Then I don't want your help" Mark crosses his arms grudgingly with a smug smile. Dark grins back. 

"we'll see.... hehe"

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