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The next morning I woke up to the sound of my shower running. I rubbed the sleepy from my eyes and cuddled into the pillow next to me.

It smelt like cigarettes and reminded me of a certain raven haired boy. I heard a mumble from the bathroom and then a voice echo off the bathroom walls. I stood next to the door and leaned against it as hot air slipped from the door cracks.

Richie: "And to your favorite song we sang along to the start of forever—"

I smiled at the sound of his smooth voice. The shower turned off and I heard him step out.

Richie: "And after all this time, I'm still into you—"

I giggled and cut in

Eddie: "I should be over all the butterflies, but I'm into you"

(a/n the song their singing is "still into you" by paramore and I know this story is based in the 90s but idgaf)

He opened the door swiftly and I was face to face with his bare chest. My eyes wondered down to his towel wrapped waist, and then back up to meet his eyes

Eddie: g-good morning...

Richie: Don't ever tell anyone you heard me sing. Ever

Eddie: why? It was pretty

He cringed at the word pretty and I giggled

Richie: nothing about me is "pretty".

Eddie: Mhm... well I think so. I didn't know you liked Paramore

Richie: I don't

Eddie: then why were you singing one of their songs?

Richie: their shit is catchy

I giggled and he put a hand on my shoulder. I froze and realized how close we were standing, and how he was literally half naked.

Richie: besides the point— you sing nicely

I blushed and glanced at his hand

Eddie: thanks...

I stepped back and went in my closet. I got another pair of clothes for him to wear. This time, grey shorts and a black

He went back in the bathroom and changed. He shook out his wet hair and sat on my bed again

Eddie: do you want breakfast?

He nodded and I led him downstairs to the kitchen

Sonia: Eddie bear... who's this?

I froze and completely forgot that my mom was off work today. She was sipping coffee at the kitchen counter

Eddie: oh, this is the new neighbor boy, Richie.

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