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Eddie: I swear he's so stupid!

I pulled my knees into my chest and buried my face. Bill sat next to me on the bed and put a hand on my shoulder

Eddie: how could he kiss her?

Stan: and sleep with her...

I looked up at Stan who was being shushed by Bill. I stood up from the bed and Stan gave me a nervous smile

Eddie: he fucked that walking std?!?

He nodded and I fell back on to my bed. Tears rolled down the side of my face

Eddie: that's great! Fuckin great! It really didn't mean anything to him when I said I loved him!

Bill: he d-did say he l-loved you

Stan: Yeah! After he fucked the girl that stole your last boyfriend!

Bill: Stan!

Stan: it's true!

Eddie: I knew I shouldn't of fallen for him...

Bill: he w-was a nice guy.... maybe y-you should talk to

Stan: did you not hear me tell him to stay away from Eddie??

Eddie: Good. I don't want to see him.

And as if on cue, my phone buzzed on my desk and Bill picked it up since he was closer

Bill: e-eddies phone

He said a few "ok"s and "yeah". Stan and I watched as his face dropped and he looked down at his beat up converse

Bill: o-okay... well b-be there

He hung up and I looked at the phone contact. It was "chee❤️"
Bill gave me my phone and looked up at me

Bill: we h-have to go to th-the hospital


And with that we drove to the hospital, a silent car ride as I looked out the window.

Stan: What did he say?

Bill: it wasn't h-him. His mom

Eddie: why would his mom call me from his phone?

Bill: I d-don't know. We just
n-need to get there

We stopped in the parking lot and Bills silence was getting annoying.

Eddie: why?! Just tell me!!

Bill: He tried to kill himself Eddie!!

His voice was clear but afraid. Stan looked at him with wide eyes and my chest hurt.

I got out of the car and ran as fast as I could inside. I stopped at the receptionists desk

Eddie: I need Richie Toziers room please

Before she could answer Maggie came up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder

Maggie: follow me Eddie

She led me and the others down a long hallway. She looked like she'd been crying for hours

Maggie: I called you, well, because you were the only contact he had on his phone...You must be important to him

Eddie: He's important to me too...

He tried to kill himself...

Because of me?

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