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"Y/N!! YOU PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT!!" Yelled the person i always feared.


"To get away from you." I said as i put my head low.

I watched Namjoon hold my hand as his teeth gritted together. My step-father grabbed my arm harshly as Namjoon still held my hand.

"Who do you think you grabbing Y/N's hand. Let it go or i'll shove my fist down down your throat." My step-father threaten Namjoon.

"Actually if you want to know I'm Kim Namjoon and i'm grabbing your daughter's hand because i'm her boyfriend." I managed to unhook my arm from his harsh grip and stand behind Namjoon as my step-father stood there surprised at what Namjoon said.

"You will have no position with her. You are nothing and you will stay nothing like your dead father." He spat at Namjoon.

"Namjoon it's okay just calm down. He testing you." I said trying to calm him down. But that didn't work at all.

"DON'T BRING MY FATHER IN THIS. YOU DON'T KNOW HIM!!!" Namjoon yelled on top of his lungs bringing more attention to us.

"Oh okay so I don't know the person who took my wife and kids away from me?? Your dad was the worst he took everything away just because your aunt killed herself over me. Also fun fact surprise I'm the one who killed him and you know actually what i did because you were there and you were only about 6 or 7 years?? And i can do the exact same thing i did to him to you right now." He smirked seeing Namjoon's reaction.

Namjoon was beyond furious with the person standing in front of him. He charged at the man in front of him but ended up on the floor.

"NAMJOOONN~~" I yelled while i was being dragged away.

I grabbed the knife out of my step-father and slit his wrist to let go of me so i can go get Namjoon. Everybody raned away by now so no one witnessed me cutting his wrist. Once i got to Namjoon the security took my step-father away.

"Namjoon i'm so sorry i didn't know he would be here and if we didn't go out this wouldn't be my fault im-"

"There's nothing to be sorry about babe it's okay. It's better that i went with you then you going home." He whispered to me. I caressed his cheek as tears run down mine.

"Ma'am please move away so we can take him." The police said as he moved me away from Namjoon.


I have been patiently waiting outside Namjoon's room with the others.

"Look Y/N what I said when we were at Jimin's house was a mistake and i'm really sorry. I was just mad at what he said earlier. Do you perhaps forgive me and we can be friends?" Jungkook asked.

I sat there nodding my head as i held my knees up to my chest. He hugged me and sat in another chair he was sitting in before.

"Is there a person who's name goes by Park Y/N?" The doctor said.

"Yes, she's right here. She's just sad." Hoseok answered for me.

"Well could you please come with me Miss. Y/N?" She asked.

I nodded my head as she lead me to his room.

"He said he wanted you guys to talk alone so all you have to do is enter his room and you'll see him. Okay?" She left after saying what she had to say.


"I'm going to go home. Tell hyung i said get better." i said as i walked away

" When I Get Back " [Jungkook×reader ff ]Where stories live. Discover now