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Fact number #24


Considering the fact that many details in Naruto were based on myths from Japanese folklore (eg: The Tales of the Gallant Jiraiya; some of the tailed beasts are demons from old Japanese stories; some legendary weapons in Naruto are actually the sa...

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Considering the fact that many details in Naruto were based on myths from Japanese folklore (eg: The Tales of the Gallant Jiraiya; some of the tailed beasts are demons from old Japanese stories; some legendary weapons in Naruto are actually the same as the weapons that are said to have existed in Japanese mythology; Susanoo was a Japanese god; etc.) this fact may be true.


Numele Kushinei s-ar putea sa provina de la Kushinada-Hime,sotia lui Susanoo.

Tinand cont de faptul ca multe detalii din Naruto au fost bazate pe mituri din folclorul japonez (ex:Povestile Galantului Jiraiya;cateva din bestiile cu cozi sunt demoni din povestile vechi japoneze;cateva arme legendare din Naruto chiar sunt aceleasi ca armele ce se spune ca ar fi existat in mitologia japoneza;Susanoo era un zeu Japonez;etc.) s-ar putea ca acest fact sa fie adevarat.

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