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Fact number #90


It seems that all the other members of the Uchiha family had names related to something great (Sasuke had the name of the father of the Third Hokage, and Fugaku had the pseudonym for Mount Fuji), only Itachi had an embarrassing name (Itachi means ...

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It seems that all the other members of the Uchiha family had names related to something great (Sasuke had the name of the father of the Third Hokage, and Fugaku had the pseudonym for Mount Fuji), only Itachi had an embarrassing name (Itachi means weasel, and weasels are considered unlucky animals in Japan, so the Japanese hate them and kill them in most cases...).


Numele lui Fugaku este un pseudonim pentru Muntele Fuji.

Se pare ca toti ceilalti membrii din familia Uchiha aveau nume legate de ceva maret (Sasuke avea numele tatalui celui de-al Treilea Hokage,iar Fugaku avea ca nume pseudonimul pentru Muntele Fuji),numai Itachi avea un nume penibil (Itachi inseamna nevastuica,iar nevastuicile sunt considerate animale aducatoare de ghinion in Japonia,de aceea japonezii le detesta si le omoara in multe cazuri...).

P.S.:Wow!Cartea are 25K+ vizualizari si aproape 2K voturi!E ceva!:D Si e number #1 la Click-It pentru a 3-a oara!Chiar va multumesc dragi cititori!Va multumesc mult!:D Daca vrea cineva dedicatie la vre-un capitol,sa-mi spuna.<3

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