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Fact number #45


If I had to mention a difficult scene, it would be the scene in part 1 where Sasuke leaves Konohagakure.

Sakura, the heroine, tries to stop Sasuke, the rival of the main character, and shouts "I love you" at him.

It made it sounds a bit like they were lovers, which was rather embarrassing (laughs).


To me that scene was a really emotional and touching. Sakura did her best to stop Sasuke from leaving the village, but in the end he still followed his stubborn selfish path. Not to mention that he responded to her heart-touching speech with a dull "Thank you" and knocked her out in the middle of an empty street during night time, which was a total dick move on his part.


"Daca as fi nevoit sa mentionez o scena dificila,ar fi scena din Partea I atunci cand Sasuke paraseste Konohagakure.Sakura,eroina,incearca sa-l opreasca pe Sasuke,rivalul personajului principal,si striga 'Te iubesc!' catre el.A facut sa sune de parca ei doi ar fi fost iubiti,ceea ce a fost intr-un fel jenant (rade)." - Masashi Kishimoto,Otonafami,(via Sasusaku Channel)

Acea scena mi s-a parut destul de emotionanta si intr-un fel chiar trista.Sakura chiar era determinata sa-l opreasca pe Sasuke din a parasi satul,dar eforturile ei au fost inutile,Sasuke doar spunandu-i un simplu "Multumesc!",iar apoi a lovit-o si a lasat-o acolo pe o banca,ceea ce mi s-a parut cam urat din partea lui Sasuke!

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