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Fact number #58


I always found this four-eyed nerd to be very weird and arrogant, and I still feel that way about him

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I always found this four-eyed nerd to be very weird and arrogant, and I still feel that way about him. But even so, I still feel a bit sorry for him. I mean, he ended up killing his mother by mistake while she attempted assassinating him. If that's not the saddest thing ever, I dunno what could be.:(


Notiunea de bine si rau nu au nici un sens pentru Kabuto.

Tocilarul asta ochelarist mi s-a parut mereu un ciudat ipocrit si cam dubios!Si inca mai cred asta despre el!Totusi,intr-un fel imi pare rau pentru el,adica sa fim seriosi acum!Kabs si-a omorat mama din greseala,aceasta incercand ea sa-l omoare pe el.Daca asta nu e trist,atunci nu stiu ce altceva ar fi.:<

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