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Fact number #49


Interviewer:When people read your manga, what do you hope they'll take away from it?

Kishimoto Masashi:In real life, it's hard for people to understand each other because of things like differences in culture or upbringing. As you grow up, you start to see that sometimes things in life don't go right. But I created Naruto to tell the younger generation that although there's hardship in life, you can get along. Other than that, I would rather let the audience themselves find out what they can get from Naruto.

I really liked Kishimoto's answer! And as a Naruto fan I can say that this anime taught me a ton of good things, so I thank Kishimoto-san for creating this wonderful manga! <3


Reporter:Atunci cand oamenii citesc manga ta,ce iti doresti ca ei sa preia din ea?

Kishimoto:In viata reala este greu pentru oameni sa se inteleaga unii pe ceilalti din cauza lucrurilor cum ar fi diferentele culturale sau educationale.Odata ce cresti,incepi sa vezi ca uneori lucrurile in viata nu merg asa cum ne-am dori.Dar eu am creat Naruto pentru a le spune generatiilor tinere faptul ca chiar daca in viata intalnim momente grele,poti reusi sa le depasesti.Pe langa asta,eu prefer mai degraba sa las audienta sa aleaga ce sa invete din Naruto.

Mie chiar mi-a placut raspunsul lui Kishimoto!Si ca fana Naruto pot sa spun ca acest anime m-a invatat multe lucruri bune,asa ca ii multumesc lui Kishimoto-san pentru ca a creat aceasta minunata manga!<3

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