Chapter 1- Jail break

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I sat on the cool cement floor dirty and bloody, wearing ripped clothing. I was surrounded by a thick metal cage that separated me from the other humans but i was still in the same area. The other human were free to move around there cage but still had to wear a collar. I however am in chains one that has both my arm above my head, another had my legs connected to the cement floor and of course I wore a similar but thicker collar like the others.

 I sat in the dark waiting for the owner to come process me and than to be shipped to the king, I was caught last night by the kings men and bought here normally I would be processed when I arrived however let's just say I am of high interest so i have to be inspected by someone with higher authority. I have a mark on my shoulder that has put a large target on my back.

This place was one of many stores for vampires or werewolves to buy humans to use as slave or pets, basically anything they wanted us for. But unlike the others instead of being sold I was here until I could be transferred to the king.

Anyways over 100 years ago supernatural creatures such as vampires, werewolves and even some witches had enough of staying in the shadows, they banned together and took over the human race. It took around 1 year or so for the supernatural to have complete control over the world, leaving human to be the bottom of the food chain. The king's twin sons were born durning the war a day after they were born a group of human and well as a certain rebel hybrid killed the queen which made things 100 times worse for the humans. The hybrid didnt have a choice in killing the queen, human attacked the queen she started to fight and kill them off one by one which set the hybrid into a blind rage.

The king and his now grown sons have put all there power into making the human race pay, and they are doing a good job. They have been on the hunt for the hybrid ever since, but no luck. There is a large reward to who ever helps capture the heathen but no human wants that to happen, no matter what the prize is. After all the heathen is one of our only chance at getting the world back.

I snapped out of my thoughts by a girl in the cell across from mine was sobbing. She had pale skin that was cover in bruises and cuts, long knotted brown hair with sad green eyes, she looked barely 14. My heart broke for her has tears continue to run down her face onto the collar she and the other had to wear. She was curled into a ball at the corner of her cage.

"Its going be okay, what's your name?" whispered the girl caged beside her. She appeared be just as damage as the rest of the others. She had long blond hair, blue eyes and old sunkissed skin. She had a sparkle of hope in her eyes which was rare especially since she look 18. She would of had afew mastered by now that should of left her a broke mess.

"T-tammy" the girl answered her
"I'm Reese, is going to be okay tammy try to clam down" answered reese I admired hopefulness.
"Shut up reese, it not going to be okay I'm sick of hearing about your stupid theory. Stop filling everyones head with bullshit we are slaves, blood bags nothing more. Dont give anyone else pointless hope" yelled a boy in the cell across from her.

"Despite what you believe mark, the heathen is real and will save us" she spat. Her comment caught my interest.
"What's a heathen?" Tammy asked. Mark seemed to of muddled some chose word causing reese to send him a death glare.

"During the war when the supernatural creatures to took over. There were some covens witches that fought alongside with the human. As a last hope a group of 50 witches sacrificed themselves in order create the ultimate Hunter. A new kind of Supernatural creature designed to solemnly protect humans. However the sun goddess and moon goddess witnessed the Heathen take birth and Slaughter dozens of supernatural creatures including the queen, they cursed the Hunter turning it into both vampire and shapeshifter. Making it the ultimate hybrid and causing it boundaries it wasnt suppose to have. The heathen seeing the change as a curse making its hatred for Supernatural kind grow even more." Explained reese. I was  impressed she knew all of that about the heathen since the heathen is forbidden to talk about . Even though it wasn't quite true but close enough.

The kings rebel *Published* Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon