Chapter 39: Mistake

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       "This is a perfect dress for you" Natasha stated.
"You said that for the last time".
I was currently trying on dresses while Natasha dug through my closet. It was almost like trying on dresses with your best friend. Except this version meant your enemy was finding a perfect dress for you.
"This one is the one. Don't underestimate me".
"Fine" I said through gritted teeth and walked into the closet.
I tried it on and looked in the mirror. The dress was aqua green and in the middle had  a flower lace belt that showed my stomach. It was attached to the dress. It showed no cleavage but showed off my legs and arms. It wasn't that bad.
"Is it good".
"Take if off and go take a shower. I'll have everything ready by then".
I groaned and changed into the oversized t-shirt and walked out of the closet into the bathroom ignoring Natasha. Why I couldn't I just dress up in a  simple t-shirt and jeans. I didn't say yes to this date. Hell I wasn't even asked. I'm being forced into doing this.
I stripped off my clothes and turned on the shower. I jumped in and scrubbed my body clean.
     Getting out I noticed a small note attached with the dress and undergarments.
Hurry up and get ready. The date begins at 1
I rolled my eyes and got dress. My hair was dripping wet so I wrapped a towel around it. I don't exactly know the time but by the people moving and feet shuffling in the hallway it had to be around twelve. Since that was the time all the boys woke up. It was almost like a schedule with them, fall asleep at three in the morning wake up at twelve in the afternoon.
Stepping out of the bathroom I went inside the bedroom to see Natasha with a whole box of makeup supplies. She was busy getting all the makeup out of the box so I picked a pair of shoes. It was some sandals. Makeup was something I barely wore. And I didn't want to wear makeup to a date I didn't even say yes to. I don't even think I should even call it a date. It doesn't seem right. Since it with Daniel and not with L-.
"Hurry up and sit" Natasha commanded.
  "Ouch" I exclaimed as Natasha poked me with something.
"You know what my mother told me as a child боль - это красота. You know what that means".
"Does it look like I know" I snapped.
She rolled her eyes at me before applying blush to my cheeks.
"Pain is beauty".
I currently sat on a chair chewing on the inside of my cheek as Natasha got me ready.
"You have beautiful eyes. My mother would kill for them".
"Your mother would kill for blue eyes".
"Yes. She actually killed several girls who had blue eyes".
"My mother was jealous of the young girls my father would flirt with. The one he tended to flirt the the most with  was a maid  with blue eyes. She always wanted blue eyes her green eyes weren't enough. She was very beautiful. With green eyes and curly black hair. She had such a beautiful smile that would light up a thousand faces. That was not enough for my father though. He destroyed her mentally, physically and emotionally. My father wasn't very loyal he was a huge flirt and loved to cheat on my mom with so many girls. One day she overheard some maids chatting about how the maid with blue eyes slept with my father on many occasions. She was so hurt and heartbroken and this caused my mother great distress so she killed the maid".
I was so shocked my mouth hung open.
"Jealousy was something my mother was cursed with. Which lead her to her death. Once my father found out she killed the girl he got mad. Especially  because he was in  love with her. The young maid's name was Anastasia. In rage and hurt he killed my mom".
"Did he not love your mom" I asked.
She laughed.
"You know nothing about the gangs do you. Gangs do force marriage. The women are married so they could carry the heirs to the empire. My father felt nothing towards her. My  father was twenty seven and needed someone to marry. She was the most beautiful girl in his Home village at that time. He chose her since she was twenty and innocent. My mother fell in love with him. She tried breaking down his walls but all she was to him was a breeder, she had three children with my father. Of course her body after that wasn't much the same. My father hated that and he also missed his old life before he was married. He grew bored of my mother and had mistresses. Some of these girl were only eighteen. They couldn't say no".
"That's  not all some of his mistresses carried his children. In total he had about ten children if you added all his mistress up".
"You have other siblings".
"No the ten children mean nothing to me nor my family. They don't even have the honor to have my family's last name. They're nothing and will always be nothing. Those children are lucky to be even alive".
"I'm sorry".
"For what you didn't do it. My father did".
After she was done with my makeup a new emotion radiated through me. Pity. Now I could see this girl for who she was.
"How old were you".
"Ten" she held no emotion when she said that.
I hesitated before I asked my next question.
"How old were your brothers".
"Adrian was about one. He grew up knowing nothing about the women who gave birth to him or who looked so much like him. Alec was about fourteen".
My lips pursed into a thin line. They were so young when they lost their mother by the hands of their own father.
"Good luck with your date" she said exiting out of my room.
I had a feeling this conversation would never be talked about again.
       I walked out of my room to see Daniel ready. I wanted to reject him and say no. I didn't want to go on this "date" with him.
I nodded my head as he walked in front and I walked behind. His outfit consisted of a button up white t-shirt and black pants. He seemed nervous and fidgety about this. Before I could even get to the front door. I was ambushed into a hug. Dylan.
He pulled away and looked at me.
"Where are you going"he asked.
"Out" Daniel response grabbing me roughly by my forearm and shoving me out the door.
"Ouch your hurting me" I whimpered.
He let me go and shoved me into his car and slammed the door.
"Are you being serious right now" I snarled.
He didn't seem to care as he started speeding out of his driveway. I was going to be sick.
"You're going to have an accident slow down" I screamed.
Nothing was getting his attention as he kept his eyes on the road. Both hands were on the steering wheel. After the third red light he ran I started praying that I get wherever the destination may be safely. Suddenly he slammed on his brakes and I heard the tires screech to a halt. My head went forward. I was glad I had a seatbelt on because without it I would probably have a broken nose or worse flew through the windshield. We had stopped at an abandoned  parking lot
   "Are you insane what's your  problem".
"You are".
"You heard me".
"I'm your problem are you being serious right now".
"Does it look like I'm joking".
"You're unbelievable. You kidnapped me and took me away from my life. I have all these bruises and scars because of you guys and I'm the one who's causing the problems" I exclaimed unbuckling my seatbelt.
"You need to leave. Runaway. GO".
"What the hell is your problem".
"You're tearing my brothers and I  apart. You're toying with our emotions" he shouted causing me to jump back in fear pressing my back to the car door.
"I'm not toying with anyone's emotions".
"They pulled a gun out on each other. Dylan and Logan. They were gonna kill each  other for your affection. You see how twisted and demented that sounds" he snarled towards me.
My affection. Are they kidding me right now? I felt a whole mixture of emotions rush through me.
"That's not my fault that they both fell for me" I responded back.
He chuckled.
"Laura you really are clueless. GET OUT NOW. Your messing up our brotherhood. I should have never took you. I wouldn't have to pay all those hospital debts. I should have given you to the Russians for an alliance. Everything has happened because of you....." he snapped.
I bit my lip as he kept screaming and blaming everything on me. Was this what he wanted me for? To yell at me I knew this was a bad idea to go on this "date".
I felt my eyes water. Then something clicked once I heard the words slip out of his mouth.
"You are a conniving whore. You're playing both of them and you won't stop  till you think it's the right time and deny both of them" he answered unbuckling his seat belt.
I felt my heart sink.
"Go and f*** yourself" I snarled.
"You see how dressed up you got when I said we were going on a date. Ever stop and think how Logan or Dylan would feel. No. I didn't think so you only care about yourself. So get the hell out of my car and get run over by a bus or something" he spat at me.
Taking a deep breath I looked at him.
"Fine" I replied looking at him one last time before opening the door and stepping out.
I was leaving. He wasn't stopping me. I was finally free. I slammed the car door shut. I started walking and I heard the car drive back up and drive away. What the hell just happened?

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