Cappy Kittens: Matt, Mason, Malory

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Name: Matt

Age: 4

Magic: Dat Exceed magic

Friends: Everyone

Personality: Very sarcastic and care free 

Enemies: Whoever is evil

Notes: Basically Happy junior.

Siblings: Mason and Malory

Name: Mason

Age: 4

Magic: Dat Exceed magic

Friends: Everyone

Personality: very optimistic and energetic while still always wanting to sleep

Enemies: Whoever is evil

Notes: Loves everything and LOVES LOVES LOVES SLOTHS AND PANCAKES. (If you watch Rwby, Mason is pretty much Nora.)

Siblings: Matt and Malory

Name: Malory

Age: 4

Magic: Dat Exceed Magic

Friends: Everyone

Personality: Very VERY VERY NICE and loves everything

Enemies: no one

Notes: People call her Mal and levy teases her because Mal means Evil but she is anything but evil. She is also scared of everything

Siblings: Matt and Mason

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