Chapter 2

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The next night....

Taraji chuckled as Tony went through the list of things he did today. He was excited for tommorow. It was the start of the actual acting classes. He briefly touched on the water park he went to the other day. Nothing more then he had fun.

"You're getting so big! I feel like I'm getting old." Gabby groaned grabbing his cheeks. He groaned smacking her hands.

"Stop!" He whined once she had gripped his face planting kisses on his cheek. Taraji laughed watching him squirm.

"Mom!" He pleaded.

"Alright Gabby. Let the boy go." Taraji laughed. She placed one more big kiss on his cheek before releasing him. He groaned wiping the lipstick off his cheek.

"Are you gonna take my pictures before we leave?" Tony asked Gabby. Taraji rolled her eyes. Her son acted like a pretty boy sometimes. She knew if he wasn't gonna be an actor a model wasn't far behind.

"Come on. Let's do it now by that fountain." Gabby spoke pointing to a large fountain across the restaurant. Tony nodded standing up.

"You coming mom?" Tony asked.

"No baby go ahead. Ima finish my drink and then we can head out." Taraji responded.

He nodded once more walking off with Gabby. She took a sip from her cup before pulling a small mirror out of her purse. She checked herself in the mirror. She smiled looking for anything in her teeth.

"I'm convinced that life wants me to get your name." A voice suddenly spoke making her jump.

She looked up seeing a smirking Terrence. Once again her heart started pounding in her chest. A fear set in to her heart. This situation was dangerous. Once their eyes connected Terrence's eyes narrowed slightly.

Her eyes....

He could actually see them. Something nagged him in his mind. He coudnt quite peice together what his mind was churning up. Something about those eyes. Big brown almond like eyes..

"I..uhhh...huh?" She stumbled over her words. He chuckled.

"I feel like at this point you should tell me your name. I have a feeling I'm gonna be seeing alot more of you." He spoke his eyes slowly trailing down her body. His words sounded innocent, but his eyes told a different story. She shivered under his gaze then she froze. What does she say? As she opened her mouth her blood ran cold.

"Taraji.." Gabbys voice called as she rounded the corner of their booth. She froze her eyes connecting with Terrence's.

"Oh shit!" Gabby whispered, her eyes widened looking at Taraji. As if something clicked in his mind he turned back to the table.


A memory being pulled from the corner of his mind. That name was Unique. He had only heard it once in his life.

15 years ago.....

Terrence and his friends laughed as they exited the store. They were headed to Terrence's house party that was soon to kick off . It was the start of summer and he had just graduated high school. The humid early June might air hit there skin. A soft breeze flowing. It was like those summer nights straight out the movies.

They laughed and joked on their way back to his car. He looked over his shoulder at a friend and cracked a michevious grin. As he opened his mouth his body ran into someone. Acting quickly his arms jerked out catching the person his large frame was knocking over.

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