Chapter 14

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2 weeks later.....

Taraji grinned stepping off the plane. Her Chanel backpack bouncing slightly. Tony groaned at his mother's giddy behavior. She acted as if she didn't see Terrence three days ago when he helped them pack. He was excited but not as much as his mother.

He had 1 month left of summer vacation before school. He planned on exploring the city. Plus those girls he met at the mall last time he was here promised to show him around. He was eager for that.

He smirked at his thoughts, they were soon derailed when his mother squealed. Terrence stood with some flowers in his hands. A few bystanders were star struck and taking pictures. Of course Terrence had his body guards keeping them a safe distance away. Taraji ran to him...literaly ran and jumped into his arms.

Tony rolled his eyes picking up the carry on she dropped. People awed at them, if only they knew they saw each other just a few days ago. Tony walked past them while they were busy kissing.

"Sup Joe." He greeted to the head of security. Joe chuckled at the young ones reaction to his parents. He was the only guard to know about the origin if their relationship.

"Cone on man...I got your Vanilla bean in the car." Joe spoke. Tony smiled.

"Thank you. I swear it's like puppy love with them." Tony grumbled. Joe let out a deep laugh.

"Let them live." He chuckled.

Tony rolled his eyes. His mother's giggles rang out prompting him to look over his shoulder. He saw Terrence carrying her bridal style. They followed behind Tony and Joe not a care in the world.

Once outside Tony slid into the passenger seat, while Joe drove. Their bags tossed in the back. Taraji and Terrence climbed into the backseat. While the other guards were given the ok to go home.

Tony happily grabbed his Vanilla bean frappuccino and started to drink it. His mom's head popped up between the space between the two seats. She opened her mouth to speak, but stopped herself.

Looking over her shoulder she cast Terrence a glare. He smirked taking his hands off her ass. Clearing her throat she turned back around.

"Tony whatcha got?" She questioned, Tony tossed his head back and groaned.

He put the drink in her reach. She smirked taking a drink then kissing him on the cheek. It was a simple game between them two. They did to annoy the other, untill someone gave up their bad mood. So when the car started Taraji started playing with his hair.

"Tonyyyyyyyyy!" Taraji sung, his mug cracked buy he soon replaced it with a harder mug.

Taraji chuckled, she didn't have enough reach. So while Terrence was busy on his phone she scooted into his lap. He looked a little started then slipped an arm around her waist. He went back to his phone and Taraji went back to bothering her son.

"Toooooooonnnnyyyyyyyyy!" She called in that annoying high pitched voice she does.

She started poking him in the head. He pushed her hands away. Crossing his arms over his chest he slumped in his chair. She grinned leaning to the side of the head rest. Terrence's arm lazily loosened. Taraji had started to tickle her son.

"Okay! Okay!" Tony laughed.

Taraji smiled giving him a peck on the cheek. She plopped down forgetting Terrence was under her. He grunted when she landed into his lap roughly. He took a deep breath then gave her a weird look. She soon figured out what that look was about when her dear friend started to rise. She giggle putting more pressure in his lap. He cursed trying to focus on his phone.

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