Chapter 6

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Two days later.....

Terrence hugged walking into his group session seeing yet again Taraji nowhere to be found. He had to give it to her she could effectively play hide and seek. The only communication they have is through text. Where she effectively dodges all of his sly comments and questions.

He coudnt think about her right now. He was freaking out on the inside. Today was the day he would talk to Tony. Taraji had already buttered him up for the conveesation. Yet he was still nervous. He gritted the kids with a smile.

As he begun talking about today's task he glanced over at Tony who had his eyes set on him. You would think that's normal right?....Wrong, his gaze was hard as steel. Watching intently and calculating his every move. Terrence gulped. Those eyes held some dark intent.

Soon he found himself hours later sitting at a booth in a restaurant with Tony. The same look in his eyes. They had already ordered their drinks and food and were now sitting in silence.

"Are you dateing my mom?" Tony suddenly asked. Terrence coughed being caught off guard.

"No I'm not." Terrence responded taking a drink from his glass. Tony rose a brow.

"Are you asking to date her?" He then questioned unsure of where the conversation was going. Terrence scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Uhhhh... " He started but was cut off.

"Listen, my mom is my heart. If anything was to happen to her I don't know what is do. I'm giving you fare warning. Sometimes she gets in a mood and wants her space, she gets sad at times. She eats when she's upset, she eats when she's sad, sometimes I have to force her to go out and do something so she can just taje a breather. She has a weird sense of humour. She's oddly possesive, and gets jealous easily, but most importantly sges my mom. She always makes sure I have what I need. She has a big heart. She's loving. She just dosent love, she loves with her whole heart. Not many can handle it. Are you one that can?" Tony ranted.

Terrence chuckled lowly. He could tell his love for Taraji was deep. He listened to the boy ramble on and coudnt help the smile on his face.

"To me she sounds like she's human Antonio. Trust I can, but that's not why you're hear." Terrence spoke. Tony made an Oh face. Color rising to his cheeks.

"Sorry I don't do this often." Tony mumbled. Terrence's interest peeked.

"Your mom dosent date?" He asked cooly.

"Oh no she does...Just most don't make it to meet me. Which is why I'm confused. Why am I here?" Tony questioned. Terrence sighed.

"I have prepared two versions of this conversation. One that gets straight yo the point. I have to warn you that one is blunt and straightforward. The other is slower and soothing. Pick one." Terrence responded.

"Give it to me straight." Tony stayed matter factly.

"...Im your father." Terrence confessed. Tony froze with his mouth wide open.

"Come again?" He coughed.

"I'm your father Antonio." Terrence restated. Tony leaned back in his seat nodding. He mumbled ok under his breath before his eyes bucked.

"I don't understand.." Tony spoke truly confused. Terrence sighed.

"15 years ago I met your mother. I'll spare you the rest of the details." Terrence chuckled. Tony scratched his head.

"Ok. This isn't that weird. Your dad's Terrence Howard. That's normal right?" Tony mumbled to himself. Terrence looked at the approaching waiter.

"How about we eat and let that sit in." Terrence offered. Tony nodded lost in his thoughts. 10 minutes passed while they are. Tony looked up at Terrence every once in a while like he wanted to say something. Terrence waited patiently.

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