Chapter 16

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Terrence sat with a scowl watching his mother show Taraji various amounts of embarrassing photos of him. There was not much he could do, he had already been hit as soon as he walked into the door. Fun fact about Mama Howard is she heavy handed so you know that hurt.

The dinner went by beautifully, conversation floating about took their mind off of Tony and his condition. He was getting better, his lung was fully inflated and the tube was taken out. It would be back to functioning right on its own in a few weeks. Just in case he had a breathing mask next to his bed that the put on him when they gave him the meds that made him sleep.

Swelling in his brain had gone down to almost normal. A CAT scan was gonna be set up to look at any damages to it. They were hoping the scan came back with no permanent damage. Tony was still unconscious most if the time.

Taraji didn't like him so doped up, but she was afraid that if he wasn't he'd be in pain, or worse talking would. If anything she wanted to hear his voice, It has been a long couple of days.

"Mom, come on not that book." Terrence groaned throwing his head back.

"Oh shut up, I just want her to know what she's getting into." His mother teased opening a photo book from when he was a baby. Taraji couldn't contain her laughter when she saw a picture of him passed out on the couch naked surrounded by makeup that was all over him.

"Oh my God Terrence!" Taraji giggled, she sighed rubbing his face. Grabbing the book from Taraji, he closed it getting a glare from his mother.

"As much as I love the embarrassment your putting me through mother, I'm very tired." He spoke standing up and putting the book where the others cane from.

"Oh fine, I suppose I should let you go home." His mother grumbled.

"It was so nice meeting you Nancy." Taraji grinned giving his mom a hug.

"It was wonderful to meet you add well. You stay strong you here me. He gone be alright." Nancy spoke squeezing her tight. Taraji nodded that was the mindset she wanted to keep. Nancy looked at Terrence for a good five minutes before her hand flew and smacked him hard against the head.

"This better be the only mystery child I here about Dashon!" She snapped, he whined rubbing his head. She chuckled pulling him into a hug then kissed where she hit him.

"I love you though." She smiled, he mumbled an I love you to.

"What was that?" She asked easing her hand, he flinched taking a step back.

"I said I love you to." He rushed out. Taraji giggled watching there interactions. He gave her a crooked smile grabbing her hand and pulling her to the door. They waved goodbye to his mother then exited the house. He groaned looking at Taraji.

"Hell just opened its doors." He sighed opening her car door. She climbed in her face showing her confusion.


"My mother likes you Taraji......she doesn't like anyone." He voiced.

"That's a bad thing?" She asked tilting her head.

"Yes a very bad thing....for me." He spoke then shut her door. Rounding the car he got in and pulled on his seatbelt. Tarajis phone rung making her fish for it out of her purse. She answered it on the spot recognizing the number.

"Hi, This is docter Mason. Sorry to bother you at this time." Tony's docter spoke. Terrence started the car and backed out listening in on the convo.

"No, Its perfectly fine. Is something wrong?" Taraji rushed out.

"Well your son Antonio has woken up again recently and at the moment is content. We would like to do some questions, but understand you would like to talk to him first." His docter explained, Terrence looked up and down the road for any cops. Seeing none he did a quick U-turn and was in route for the hospital.

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