Eyes wide open

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Hello! This is my 2d fanfiction- so please go easy on me! I know there are a lot of jelsa in high school story's but I decided to make one to! I do not own the characters, dreamworks animations or disney does. Read, comment vote! Thank you!


I smile and jump out of bed. It's the last day of the eighth grade! Finally! No more middle school! No more of the same boring people! Well, everyone from the school I'm in now will still be there, but there will also be new people! Yay!

I look in the mirror. I put my platinum blonde hair into a messy French braid. I open my closet and throw on a pair of faded ripped skinny jeans red slip on shoes, and a red t-shirt that I tuck in. I quickly apply some mascara, eyeliner, lipstick, and a silvery eyeshadow, and I'm all ready.

I wolf down my breakfast, waffles, and yell for anna to get in the car.

She run down the stairs.

"Ready?" I say

"Yep!" She replies

We run out to my green convertible safari jeep. I drive (10 miles over the speed limit) to school and pull into a parking lot. We run to the library, which is were we usually meet our friends.

"Last day of school!" I yell as I run in and see Merida, Rapunzel, and Ariel.

Ariel looks at me and says "Omigod, did you hear? Jack broke up with Cindy! He said he had another girl that he wanted to ask to the summer dance."

My eyes widen. I had totally forgotten about the summer dance! It was at 6:00 tonight. They had it on the last day of school every year for the eighth graders. I have yet to get a dress.

"Who do you think he's gonna ask?" Merida gasps

"Jasmine! For sure!" Rapunzel chimes in

"OMG jasmine is such a drama queen though. She isn't really jack's type, but I bet he'll ask her anyway." Ariel says

I roll my eyes. This is just the normal boy-talk my friends have.

"What is jacks type?" Rapunzel asks.

"I dunno" Merida says "pretty, innocent, smart, popular, perfect basically."

"What about elsa? She's his type, maybe he's gonna ask her!" Ariel yells excitedly

"Ew" I say "he's not going to ask me. He knows I hate him. Who are you guys going with anyway?"

"Eric asked me yesterday!" Ariel screeches, causing the librarian to angrily hush us.

"Flynn asked me a while ago" Rapunzel whisper-yelled

"Hiccup asked me!" Merida said, smiling

"I'm going with Kristoff!" Anna chimes in. I forgot she was here. (So did the author)

"I don't even have a dress yet!" I sigh

"Els, you really need a boyfriend. There are a ton of boys who like you!" Merida states

"Ya!" Ariel continues "let's see, there's Tarzan-"

"To beefy" I interrupt


"Isn't he going out with Anastasia?"


"He always steals my stuff!"

"John smith-"

"He needs a haircut"


"Eeewwwww. No way. Not after he dumped Anna"



"Sha- wait what? You like Hercules! Omigosh! You like him!" Ariel screeches

Ariel, Merida, Rapunzel, and Anna break into a frenzy of "OMIGOSH!" es.

I roll my eyes "don't tell anyone ok?" I whisper

They all nod their heads. The bell rings and we all head to our classes. I slump into my seat next tko Jack Frost.

"hey snowflake!" He says. I completely ignore him and take out my book, and begin reading.

"Hey, who are you going to the dance with?" He asks

"None of your business!" I snarl

"None of your business" he mimics me.

I continue reading my book. Jack pokes me with his pencil.

"Hey. Hey. Hey elsa. Hey elsa. Hey els. Hey. Can call you els? I gonna call you els. Hey els. Hey els."

This goes on for pretty much the rest of the class. Finally class is over and I run to my next class.

Yay! I get to sit next to Hercules in this class.

I sit down and fix my hair. He walks in and I act like I don't notice him.

"Hey els!" He says carelessly

"Oh hey!" I say

"Listen, I was wondering if you wanted to go the summer dance with me?" He says

"Oh.." My heart starts thumping "I guess I could, ya. I'll see you there." I say, disappointing about 14 girls in the class.

The rest of the day until lunch I daydream.

"Why so dreamy?" Merida asks "thinking about Hercules?" She teases

"Guess what?" I say excitedly

Merida, Ariel, Rapunzel, and anna all lean in to listen

"Hercules asked me out!" I whisper/yell

They all start freaking out and jumping around and the rest of lunch is just them jumping around freaking out.
After lunch I walk to my next class, who Ariel is in with me. Hercules is also in this class. We giggle and for once, I act all girly and giggly. Than I look over and almost scream. Hercules in snogging Jasmine! I almost cry but I hold back.

"What's wrong?" Ariel asks, worried. She looks over and gasps.

She walks over before I can stop her and slaps him hard across the face. He looks shocked, but than looks over at me and gives me the "I'm sorry face"

I shake my head and mouth "we're done"

This is why I don't have boyfriends. I had 2 before Hercules and they both hurt me. That is why I don't trust boys anymore. I'm not really that hurt that he cheated on me. I mean I liked him, but I was used to this kind of pain.

Ariel looks over at me

"At that dance tonight, we are gonna show him what he is missing out on" she says

I smile

Come over to my place at 4:30. Merida and Punzie will be there too. We'll have a makeover."

I smile.
"I'll be there"

That was a long chapter! Wow! Do not worry y'all! There will be some jelsa eventually!just give it some time! Read, comment vote, and thank you so much for reading! Please stick with it! And again! Thank you for reading eyes wide open!

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