Ice queen

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So! So. Wow. Long time no update. I know. Really really really really really sorry bout that. You see what happened was, I had this big long pretty chapter, than the thing messes up and deleted it all. All of it. And now I don't remember what I put. Also, I have started school, so ya. I will really try to update way more, I just have no idea were this story is going, so ya. If u have any ideas, comment or write me a message, and I'll try to put them in there! If u want a chapter in anyone else's pov, comment or message, and I will do it ASAP. Thanks! Hope you enjoy!


"Elsa?" A masculine voice says

"Uh..... Hello? Can you hear me?" Is says again

"ELSA!" The voice finally yells into my ear.

I jump out of my trance and glare at Frost.

"What was that?" He asks.

"N-nothing." I shakily reply.

"Well, it didn't look like nothing" he replies

"Well, it was nothing, so get your eyesight checked" I retort

"Just so you know, I have 20/20 vision, and it sure looked like it was something."

"Well than, maybe you should get your brain checked!" I say, not being able to think of anything else.

"What? My brain is just fine!"

"You think like you study, Frost!" I say, aggravated

"I don't study!" He exclaims

"Exactly, Frost, exactly"

It takes him a while to figure out what that meant, and once he did, he gave me the death glare. I am now so caught up in my argument with Jack, I have totally forgotten about Pitch, who is sitting down in the last seat, with an amused look on his face. Creeper. I scoot away from him, even though he is 3 chairs away from me. I feel bad for poor flounder, who has to sit next to him. Poor fellow looked like he was about to pass out.

I hate pitch so much! If he so much as looks at me again, I'm gonna shove this pencil up his-

"Good morning class!" The lazy voice of mrs. Gothel exclaims.

" today, we will be learning about our powers by trying to use them! Let's begin!"

Wow. Way to get to it. How the heck am I supposed to know how to use my powers? What am I supposed to do? Create a macho snowman? I don't even know what I can do with them!

"I will put you all in groups of 3! You three water people! You are paired together." The teacher states.

Jack snorts loudly

"Water people?"

This results in a death glare from Ariel.

"And it looks like you two frostis will be grouped up with nighty over there." She points to Pitch

I feel all of the color drain from my face. Jacks smile falls off of his face. Maybe he has history with Pitch too!

"Why do we have to be called the frosties?" He whines

Never mind. I guess not.

Pitch makes his way over to jack and I. Don't act afraid. That's what he wants me to do. Don't act afraid. Frankly, my powers come into play and the whole room drops to about -30 degrees. Out of the corner of my eye, I see jack stiffen, and suddenly, wind gushes throughout the room, along with snow. The temperate keeps dropping. Further. Further. Further. By now it has to be -60 degrees. The snow is so thick, and the wind is so loud. My hair is whipping around me in the wind. I hear a scream. Ariel's scream. With all my might, I stop thinking. Stop thinking elsa, than the storm will stop. Stop thinking!

Suddenly, the wind stops and the temperature goes up. I look around. Everyone is in shock. Jack and I are both panting.

"Elsa Winters! That was unacceptable!" Mrs. Gothel screeches.

"I-I'm sorry. I don't know wha- what happened" I stammer.

"You need to learn to control your powers." She says sternly.

"Repeat after me" she continues. "Conceal, don't feel. Put on a show."

"Conceal don't feel. Put on a show." The class repeats after her

"Good. Now don't let that happen again." She says.

I gulp. Conceal don't feel. Put on a show. Conceal don't feel. Put on a show.

"Ok." I say, sighing. I put on a blank face. I will not feel any emotion.

"So" pitch speaks for the first time. I cringe at the sound of his voice. No! I scold myself. I must not feel any

emotion. Don't feel. You could hurt someone. you could hurt anna.

I clear my mind and don't let my emotions show through. I ignore all of my fear for pitch, all of my love for anna, all of my gratefulness to Ariel, all my irritation for Jack. I think about my parents. How could I be so nieve? I should have known, you can't love someone without losing them. In this harsh world I live in, everything everyone loves is destroyed. I slowly feel my power over ice take over. I keep my face blank and push my hands out, making snow, and shooting ice. All eyes in the room are on me. I ignore them. I continue, making ice, and I finally turn to pitch, who is watching with amusement.

I let one last emotion run through me. Little did I know it would be the last one I feel in a very, very long time. I use all of my powers, summoning all of the ice and coldness in my veins and let that one last emotion seep through: hatred.

I hated him. With all my heart. He made me lose my parents. I had to take care of anna on my own. We were extremely rich from my parents fortune that was supposed to last us both till our lives ended, but having no parents is so hard. Watching them die is even harder. He will pay. I hate him. And this, this is my revenge. I finally let go, and a huge icy blast hits Pitch square in the chest he looks shocked for a minute. Than he shivers. Something catches my eye. A strand of his hair turned gray. Strand by strand his hair turned gray. It was happening quickly, and a slight smile found my lips. He shivered harder and harder each second. I shot him with another blast. And I just kept going. Blast by blast, until finally, Jack tackles me to the ground, screaming for me to stop, but I just laugh like I'm a mad person, which I guess I am. I keep hitting him over and over again, until his heart is frozen. Completely. He stands there, a solid block of ice. Everyone else in the room is frozen, except Ariel, she is sobbing into Eric's shirt.

"You monster!" Mrs. Gothel screams, gasping.

"Elsa, clam down, or you'll-" jack starts, but I interrupt him

"No!" I yell "she's right. Stay away." I warn him

"Elsa-" he tries again

"I said stay away!" I yell, and my heart drops when I accidentally send an icy blast to his head. He falls to the ground.

Conceal don't feel. Conceal don't feel. I see his silvery hair turn even whiter by the minute. What have I done? I'm a monster. Monster. Monster. That is what I am. I only hurt people. Don't feel don't feel don't feel. There is still no emotion left in me. I send a blast to the window breaking it, and I climb out of it, jumping off from 6 stories up. What have I got to lose. I land on my feet, and I hear a crack, and I would feel pain in my now broken knee, but I don't feel anything anymore. I'm a monster. I slowly walk down into an alleyway. It is dark, but I don't mind. Nothing scares me anymore.

I feel something take over deep inside of me. A chilling feeling. My blood turning to ice cold water. My eyes turning from sky blue to a deep icy chilled blue. My hair turns white completely. And my heart. My heart slowly freezes over. And I promise myself, that it will never ever thaw. I am an Ice Queen.

Hi! So this is not the end of the story! There is still a lot more. So! What do you think? Elsa is a monster! Whoa! Didn't see that coming did you? Don't worry, it gets better...... Maybe. Ok so thank you so much for reading I know it isn't the best, but now I acctually have something planned out for the end, so this IS actually going somewhere. Thanks for sticking with it, and I know it was kind of a cliff hanger, not really, but you do want to see what happens next, so I'll try to update as soon as possible. Ok so let me clarify. Elsa has gone crazy. That all you need to know. Thank you for reading! Vote, comment, and recommend! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2014 ⏰

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