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Ok people! So this is a huge time lapse! All the way to freshmen year! Not much to say so... Read comment and vote! Thank you!


I wake up and sigh. First day of highschool. I have to keep up my popular bad boy reputation. I throw on some basketball pants, a baggy t-shirt, and some tennis shoes. I ruffle my hair and head out the door. When I get to school, I see Flynn, Hans, and Aladdin, my 3 best friends, and we are the 4 most popular boys in school. Over the summer, Aladdin and Jasmine started to date, after I broke up with Her, which annoyed me, but Jasmine and I just gave eachother the silent treatment. We talk for a while, flirting with girls as they walk past us, but I find myself nervous, as if I'm waiting for something, or someone.a car full of girls pulls up, and i put on my charming smile. Ready to greet them. But Than I see that it is Elsa who steps out of the car. She looks.... Amazing. She is wearing light makeup, a French braid, faded and ripped blue skinny jeans, and a tucked in t-shirt. Ariel, Punzie Merida, and anna pop out with her. They are laughing and talking, but elsa looks nervous. I find myself staring at her. Whoa, jack, get your head in the game! You don't like elsa, and she doesn't like you! She is way out of your league! No! I mean I am way out of her league! Ah! What's wrong with me?


we all wait in the gym, waiting to be sorted out by our powers. I still haven't discovered mine yet. Guess I will. After what seemed like forever,a strict looking teacher walks in. He is in a expensive looking suit, and has brown hair that is greased back. He looks like a movie star.

"Good morning and welcome to Powerworks highschool." He begins in a monotone voice "this morning, we will be sorting you youngsters out into groups according to your powers. This will determine your classes, and after school activity. Now. There are 2 different kinds of powers. Common, and rare. The common ones are: light, beauty, animal transformation, electricity, prophecy, fire, nature, and earth. There are usually 11-16 people in each of these groups. Rare powers are: ice/snow, aqua, healing, and air. There are usually about 2-3 people in each of these categories. When I call your name, you will go into a separate room were you will be tested. Any questions?"

Some kid from another school raises his hand. Mr. Elvis ignores him. I chuckle.

"Let's see... Rapunzel Cornia?"

Rapunzel hurries up and heads into one of the many private rooms.

"Cinderella Workallday" (hey I couldn't think of anything else!)

"Jackson frost"

I watch him walk over to a room, and all of the girls gasp and giggle.

"Tinker Bell"

"John smith"

"Mulan warrior"

"Anna winters"

I smile reassuringly as anna scurries up

"Elsa winters"

Heart beating, I practically run into a room. As soon as I walk in, there is a lady holding a shot. My eyes get wide. She smiles and walks over to me.

"Don't worry sweety, I just need a drop of blood."she than comes over and STABS MY ARM WITH THE NEEDLE.

I yelp in pain, and she wipes off the blood onto a peace of glass, and puts it into a tester thingy.

"Ok."she mutters to herself. She looks up at me.

"What you are has now been narrowed down to either prophecy, air, ice and snow, or electricity. Now this next test is a little hard. Just put these headphones on, and don't take them off. "

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