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Hello! Hi! Hey! I am in a really good mood! Sooo! I decided to add a chapter! I have no idea how long this will be and if it is really short, I will post another chapter by tomorrow! Also! I think I have already said this but..... On Friday I am leaving over seas for 2 weeks! That means no wifi! But! I will be writing chapters! And I will publish them all when I get back! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT! At the end of a chapter! It means so much to me that people are just voting! And commenting is just the most amazing thing ever! Thank you so so so so so much for reading and sticking with the story! I don't really know how good it is! Anywho! It would also be great if you recommended this story to others! I really hope you enjoy! Thanks!


Why him? What did this happen to me? What horrid thing did I do to deserve such an awful fate? Oh well. Maybe we won't have all of the same classes together. As the last person walks out of the door and into her group, mr. Elvis (I still don't know his real name) speaks into the mic.

"Well well. Now that you all have been sorted into groups, I will explain to you how your classes will work. If you are in common powers, you will have at least 5 other people from your group in each one of your classes. Since the are so little in the rare powers, special classes have been given to you. You will have every class with all of your group members. Rare powers tend to be stronger than necessary, so these classes will teach you how to control them, and other common core. Go to the frost desk for your schedules. Have a nice day" (this is kind of confusing but what's happening is all of the rare powers groups have classes separate from the common power groups)

I groan and jack smirks.

"Well well snowflake, looks like we have all classes together!"

"Ew Frost. Don't call me snowflake"

He puts up his hands in defeat.

"Ok! I give up!"

I smile in triumph.

"Cupcake" he adds in, wiping the smile off my face.

I look around for Punzie and Ariel and Merida. I smile when I see that Punzie is in healing, and Ariel is in aqua. Both rare powers! That means we have some of the same classes! Merida is in light powers along with anna, Kristoff, hiccup, astrid, and Giselle. That's all the people from my old school that are in light. Jasmine, Meg, esmerelda, Cindy, and kuzco are in beauty. We all head to the office, were we get our schedules. 1st hour is control with mrs. Gothel. Jack and I look at eachother and head off to our classroom. When we enter, I see that there are only 8 seats. 2 are occupied by Tinker and Peter. I think they are in the air group. Jack and I sit down and awkwardly wait as people shuffle in. Ariel and Eric walk in looking extremely happy that they got in the same group. Ariel quickly takes the seat next to me. Another kid, short and blond with bright blue eyes comes in and sits next to them. Hey! This is great! We have out first hour together!

"Hi! I'm so excited I got Eric in my group!" Ariel squeals

"Oh" she continues "and there is a new kid who's also in our group. He's real nice. His name is flounder."

I nod. Suddenly the air seems to get chilly. Not the kind of chilly I like. But the Erie kind of chilly. The kind that sends a shiver down your back the lights flicker and everything goes dead silent. I am breathing heavily. This feeling. I've felt this feeling before. Just before my parents died.


Anna, ember and I were playing with our dolls. I was 12. Anna and ember were 9. the lights flickered and an Erie chill fell over the palace. Everything was dead silent.ember and anna looked at eachother. They were twins. They looked exactly alike. They were like 2 peas in a pod. Suddenly, there was a bloodcurdling scream. The three of us went to go see what it was. every so often we would here the scream again and again. Anna and ember started crying. Finally, I found the source of the sound. I peaked my head in and found a sight to awful for an innocent 12 year old girl to see. My parents were on the floor, twitching and moaning. They were covered in blood. A man was standing over them with a knife. I noticed that this awful man have tortured my parents by carving designs into their skin all over. They looked like dead meat, lying helplessly on the floor. I was shocked. Tears streamed down my face. I covered the twins' eyes. I couldn't scar them like I had just been scarred just then. I gathered them up, and we were about to run away, when the man turned around. His face was horrid. His eyes were black sockets and his face was gray and scarred.

"Come to see the show have we?" He asked. He snapped his fingers, and ember and I were strapped to the wall. He Had not seen anna because she was still hidden behind the wall. She still hadn't seen our parents and I shook my head, motioning her not to look. She seemed to understand and closed her eyes. But ember saw. As soon as she saw she screamed. She screamed and crying at the top of her lungs, yelling for her mother and father to come back, but I knew that wouldn't. Than that horrid man, stabbed our parents over and over and over again. It was the worst moment of my life. I wanted to die. I didn't want to live anymore because I would be forever scarred. Ember kept screaming and screaming and anna was still hiding behind the wall. The man turned around with the knife still in his hand

"Shut up!" He yelled and threw the knife into her neck. I screamed. She lay there, trying to breath, crying, blood covering her, until her eyes glazed over and she slumped in her chains.

I was crying so hard, begging the man to kill me now, to end my misery, but he didn't show any mercy.

" I think I'll have a little fun first" he said. He did the same thing he did to my parents. He only got to my arm though. Guards came in. Using all of their powers, they brought him down, and the chains were released. I fell to the ground next to my dead sister and parents. I was also covered in blood. All of the guards died. before the evil man could get back up, I grabbed anna and we ran out of the castle. She kept asking were ember was, but I couldn't tell her she was dead.

End of flashback

And now that is him. I'm sure of it. It is him, standing in the doorway. Grey skin, black eyes. He may have come in a teenager form, but I am sure of it. That is

Pitch black.

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA that was a cliffs! Couldn't help myself. Anyway! This chapter was kind of sad, sorry, I'll come up with a happier one. Anyway I hope you enjoyed and please please please please comment! And vote! And thank you for reading! See you in to weeks or less!

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