preference #4

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Your guys song

sophia: g.o.a.t Eric Bellinger
loves the song and is always singing it thru calls

eduardo: what's my name rihanna
he sings this to u and puts u to sleep

she is heartless and has no soul.shes a mystery girl. Also heartbroken

idalie: gucci flip flops Danielle brocolli
whip nae naes to this hit daquan

deigo: any song by bts
bts lover/ liver

gio: any song tbh
If he hears music, he will enjoy the moment and give u smoochies

emily: juju on that beat
Has been caught dancing to this in multiple occasions.

daniela: anything
lovely person 💝 soft boi :)

•preferences / imagines of my anoying friends 🤠🏁Where stories live. Discover now