Preference 6

18 0 0

How much they show they love you

Sophia :10/10
Will show affection everywhere is not embarrassed of pda

Eduardo: 5/10
Doesn't really show affection that much cuz he knows you love him . BUt when you want affection he will definitely show it

Flor: 1/10
She loves you but she just feels embarrassed showing you so she only shows love through texts

Idalie: 10000000000p/10
She just shows lots of love .LOTS of it

Diego: 3/10
Will occasionally say I love you

Gio: Shows more live than anyone in this preference
He will give so many smooches and hugs that you will feel high

Spams your social media with hearts and will make little appreciation posts

Shows you lots of love but will also roast you at the same time

•preferences / imagines of my anoying friends 🤠🏁Where stories live. Discover now