Preference 19

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Their reaction to you calling them Mami / daddy

-wait hold tf up what u say
- say it agin plz ;)💓💓💓❣️❣️❣️❣️❤️😋😋😋😛😽😽
- laughs at how embarrassed you are

- woah this is a new side of y/n that I've never seen
- I mean you can keep calling me that
-wait that's kinda weird

- very uncomfortable
- dies inside (even tho she already dead)
- shooketh

- ummm shister shnapped
- wowow
- Ik I am

-not surprised
- his pEpE says hi 2 you
- you start making out

- say you can only say that at 3am
- want to kill you cause you didn't say it at 3 AM
- kisses you on the cheek cuz he's happy that you atleast said it

- winks at you
- blows kisses
- snatches her weave

- jumps on you and says "say it again"
- doesn't talk to you until you say it
- you finally say it and she kisses you ❣️❣️❣️❣️💓💓💓

•preferences / imagines of my anoying friends 🤠🏁Where stories live. Discover now