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who they dated before u xD

sophia -
juan 🙈 -she still likes him and is using u to get him jealous lol-

jacob 🙈-he ate idalies cat and danielas cat and daniela got mad and she didn't want daniela to be mad so she broke up with him

-their song- jacob heard it all night after they broke up

jacob- dalie lol u know why

flor- idalie
flors mom caught her making out with dalie and her mom didn't accept so she made them break up :/

juan- same thing as sophia

eduardo- enrique
enrique couldn't handle long distance://

enrique- eduardo


yes gio
michael got him flowers and gio hated them so gio broke up with him lol

mr diedrich
they broke up cuz of the age difference

gio- michael

•preferences / imagines of my anoying friends 🤠🏁Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz