My First Day

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Third Person POV

Y/N hopped in the car and signed. "Mom, why do I have to go to summer school just because of this??" Mom then smiled and looked at y/n. 

"So you can make some new friends and get a head start on school next year." Mom replied. Y/n just rolled her eyes and slumped own in the car seat while looking at the window. 

Le time skip brought to you by: Windex :3

Y/n snorted and opened her eyes when he mom said "We are here!". Y/n just rolled her eyes and got up from the car seat. She opened the door and took a gaze at the school. 

The building looked kind of haunted, yet the paint was fresh on the building and smelled oddly brand new. Of course it was, y/n was coming here for the first time. She just shook of her chills, pretending that there was nothing off about the place. 

"Off you go, see you at 3pm!" Mom smiled and waved. Then she drove off, leaving you behind. 

You signed and looked at the yellow doors leading into the school. You grabbed your stomach and sighed again at all the anxiety running through you. 

You held onto your backpack as you began to walk into the school wearily. You opened the doors and glanced in.

All of a sudden, you winced at the tall man in front of you. The man smiled and waved. "I suppose you are the new student." 

Your POV

'Of course, duh. Why else would a kid be here.' You thought to yourself. You just looked up at him, although all you could see was his chin. 

"Yes, mister. Are you my teacher??" I asked and tilted my chin. He nodded as he handed out his... Weird looking sausage fingers (don't know if we can even call them fingers...) out to you. You gladly accepted the handshake, although something was off about him. 

"Welcome to my school house! You can start by getting a notebook within the next room," he instructed me. "Okay, thank you mister...?" You squirmed. "Baldi." He replied, only a little annoyance in his voice.

"Oh, cool beans. Im-" "y/n." Baldi said in a jiffy. "Wow, how'd you know That?" You sounded impressed. He got out a board and pointed at it. 

The only thing on the board was y/n. So you suspected you were the only one in the class. "Oh." You said. You just looked awkward and just slipped on by him. 

"Hmm, the school rules... No eating, no drinking, no blah blah blah, no fourthwall breaks?" You began to look at yourself which is reading a fanfiction. And all of a sudden, your sent to detention. 

"Dammit!" You whined like a child. "Detention for you." And the Principal just kind of... Levitated? "Okay this Place is starting to get really flipping weird..." You mumble. 

After 15 seconds, you heard the bell ring. So you kind of just sprinted. 

"Hi, class. Today, the subject we will be learning is everyone's favorite... Math!" You tapped your chin as your head was on the desk. You really wanted to fourth wall break right Now, but apparently that's illegal here. 

"Here is your subject, y/n. Finish It with correct Answers, and your will receive a prize!" Baldi said all giddy-like. You just nodded and got to to work. 

Baldis POV 

While she was doing her work, I just took some time to scan her. 'She looked... Utterly different. I looked away and didnt feel the tingling sensation I oddly felt. Hmm, something is off. Oh Well, stick to my horror game programing. You can't feel anything else...' 

"Umm.. Mr. Baldi? I'm done..." I must have been day dreaming because if I was, I finally snapped out of it at her.. Voice. 

"Um... Baldi... What are you.." I'm getting closer to her... What am I doing?? This isn't in my program. 

"B-baldi.. Um... Here.." I had just noticed I was licking my lips. She was up in front of me, handing me her paperwork. "Oh, um.. Here you go.." I blushed and hands the quarter to her. A s-shiny quarter...!" I tried to stay normal.

"Okay, thank you... I guess.." I looked at the quarter. "What am I Gonna- oh, there the bell. Bye sir!" Y/n rushed off for the door. 

"What the hell was I thinking..." I sigh.

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