Chapter Three

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Cube and I were watching the surveillance footage that's on my computer. We both found out a lot of shit.

"You knew this was going on this whole time?" Cube slowly shifts his eyes at me

"Why would you ask me that? Look, listen to me Cube. I wanted to get out of that contract. Suge told me he was gonna get me out the contract. I didn't know he was going to harm Eric like he did."

"You could've at least stopped him. Suge is just a cold blood killer. We both know this now. Here this evidence proves that Eric was injected with AIDS. We gotta go to the police station right away."

"Nigga we made a song called fuck tha police. You really think they're gonna help us?"

"Look motherfucker this is your idea. I'm only trying to help Eric, who can't speak for himself. Fuck that shit, we spoke out for ourselves. If they didn't like it, that's on them. But, Dre we have to do this. Think about Eric.."

I slowly nod my head, "Let's go. Bring the footage with us too."

Cube and I get up, walking out of the studio. We both head to the police station which was a few miles away. Wasn't very far from here. The scenery of Compton has changed in just only days after Eric's passing. I see pictures, flowers, candles for Eric on the sidewalk. I felt a stinging sensation of folks staring at me.


We finally arrive to the police station, walking inside. Cube walks up to the lady at the front desk.

"Um ma'am we need to talk to a criminal investigator please." Cube says with a serious tone traveling in his voice

"May I ask why sir?" The lady responds, having her undivided attention on Cube

"For the death of Eric Wright. We believe foul play was involved in his tragic death.."

People in the police station turns their backs, having their eyes on us. They knew exactly who we were. All I did was stand there, feeling anxiety raising more and more. I avoided eye contact with everyone.

"E-Eric Wright? I will assist you with Lieutenant Al." The lady slowly gets up, taking both of us down the narrow, dark hall

I should've bought my damn coat. I couldn't stop shivering in this damn station. Cube kept a serious look on his face. I knew he was serious about this as I was. Everyone was.

The lady walks us into Lieutenant Al's office. We both see Al sitting at his desk with his feet up high.

"These two gentlemen would like to speak with you sir." The lady says, exiting out of the room afterwards

"Have a seat gentlemen." Al says, slowly adjusting himself

Cube and I look at each other with a slight look of nervousness. We both sit down in the chairs, keeping our eyes on Al.

"Now why are you two here?"

"We're for Eric Wright. We wanna open up a case for him. Now I believe you've heard about him dying from full blown AIDS. I want to say that Eric was injected with the disease. We know who did it, and we both have evidence."

"Hold on wait a minute. Are you saying Eric Wright gotten the disease by lethal injection?"

"Yes sir."

"Could you show me the evidence that you have?"

"Yes sir." Cube nods his head, turning Al's smart board on, making the footage appear onto the screen

Al begins watching the footage with full on attention.

"I feel so anxious, I don't know why either." I say to myself in my head of course

"Isn't this Suge-"

"It is." Cube interrupts him

"Boys, I believe you two have a case. This clearly does show Suge injecting a needle into Eric's back. I need you two to complete this paperwork before you go." Al turns his chair, passing both of us the paperwork to complete


Ren and I've been doing a lot of damn research about AIDS/HIV. I've never read so much in my damn life.

"Aye Yella, read this shit I found out about sharing needles." Ren says to me, showing me the book

I begin reading the passage, " Sharing a needle or syringe to inject any type of substance (including steroids, hormones or silicone) puts you at risk of HIV and other infections found in the blood like hepatitis C. This applies whether injecting under the skin or directly into the blood stream. During an injection, some blood goes into the needle and syringe. A needle and syringe that someone  has used can still contain blood with the virus in it after the injection. If you then use the same equipment without sterilizing it, you can inject the infected blood directly into your bloodstream."

Ren slowly shakes his head, looking down at the page.

"I think we've done a lot of research. We've found out what we needed to find out."

"Me too, I think Dre and Cube still at the police station."

"Let's get outta here though." I say, getting up with Ren

We both exit out of the library, walking down the street. Then, both of us sees this familiar face coming towards us..

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