Chapter Four

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Yella and Ren walks down the street. Both of them sees a familiar face coming towards them quickly

"Is that who I think it is?" Yella asks, raising one of his eyebrows 

"Yeah..Suge motherfucking Knight." Ren says, showing no emotion in his face 

Suge stops his Mercedes, seeing Yella and Ren. He slowly forms a devilish smirk on his face. 

"Well hello there you motherfuckers." Suge softly snickers, taking a hit of his blunt

Ren stares down Suge. He quickly leans in, punching him dead in his face 


So much anger was built inside me. I had to hit this teletubby looking ass motherfucker. 

"Ren no!" Yella exclaimed, trying to pull me away 

Suge takes out his AK-47, aiming at the both of them. 

"I don't know what the hell ya'll problem is. It looks like ya'll must wanna die tonight. Do you really wanna end up like Eric?" Suge silently bursts into laughter, loading up his AK

"You killed Eric didn't you?" Yella finally says, silently gulping down afterwards

Suge raises one of his eyebrows, quickly getting out of the car. We watch him walk up close to us. He presses the AK against Yella's temple. 

"Let's not fucking do this fat ass." I say with even more anger building up inside of me 

"Your friend is gonna get smoked if you keep fucking talking."

"What if I don't wanna stop motherfucker talking? You punk ass bitch, why the fuck you kill Eric for?"

Yella stays still, slowly starting to shiver. The AK was pressed real hard and deep against his temple. I watch him close his eyes in fear. Yella really wasn't involved in streets like the rest of us were.

"You motherfuckers need to keep quiet about that shit right now. He had to go, I was ordered to do what I did."

"Who ordered you to kill Eric?"

"Dre, I needed to do it to get him out of the contract."

"Why would Dre want Eric killed? Let's actually be realistic here." I sigh heavily, crossing my arms 

"Why wouldn't he? Dre fucking threatened him at a point of time. That doesn't say shit to you? Are you going to be on his side just because he's your 'friend?' He wanted Eric dead himself, because of the shit Eric said about him. I will admit it up here and front. I fucking killed that son of a bitch Eric, yes the fuck I did. I did what I was fucking told to do. I handled it how I wanted to."

"But didn't you just say Dre ordered you to kill Eric?" Yella slowly shifts his eyes back and forth very fast 

"Also, didn't you just say you handled it your way. Look, Dre just wanted to be out of the contract. Them threats he made wasn't mean to be serious I suppose. I believe Dre was really angry at Eric, he didn't know any better. So for you to be trying to call out Dre, it's insane to me."

"I don't know what else to tell ya'll. All I know is, you two better keep your mouths fucking shut. You will end up in a fucking coffin yourself fucking with me." Suge says, taking the AK away from Yella's temple, getting back in his car.  

"What now?" Yella sighs, looking over at me 

"Let's just go fucking home. I'm over this shit, we haven't even started good."

"We can't give up now Ren." Yella says as he begins walking with Ren 

"On God, I'm doing the best I can. That's all I can say right now." I walk beside Yella, heading to my house 

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