Chapter Six

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I cannot believe tomorrow is Eric's funeral. I think the family wants me to say a few words about him. I'm not sure on what to say. Actually, there's a lot I have to say. Just don't know how to put it in words.

I'm angry at myself mostly. The others told me what happened to Eric wasn't my fault. I really can't believe what they're saying. I've been there for Eric since day one. I always talked about us always being together, forever.

Nothing will break us apart. Till this whole damn group started. I didn't know things would get this bad. I'm over here writing down what I should say about my best friend's funeral. Well, he was more than a best friend.

Eric had something that was very special. Something the others didn't seem to grab onto. I just wish I could've taken him away from Jerry Heller. Making all the things he went through, just disappear. This is my fault, I should take all the blame.

Nobody else. I just want to hold him close to myself, and apologize over and over. I know what I did was wrong, I just know it. He knew it too. I still feel tears burn in my eyes when Eric crosses my mind.

Here I am, with crumbled up pieces of paper on my desk. I try rethinking on what I could say. Or how I should say it. Every time I would try saying something, anger would just rush into my emotions quickly. I sigh, throwing the crumbled pieces of paper into the trash can. I'll just have to speak from my heart.


I was looking through my college book. Yes nigga, I have a damn college book. This college book is just filled with so many memories. Especially the ones back in the N.W.A. days. Well, if I'm being truthfully honest..the memories with Eric. There's so many great times we've had together. I remember when we were in one of hotels in Compton, and we were just tearing shit up literally. We torn up Dre's shit, he came back talking about "Ya'll need to clean this shit up."

Eric was just over at the corner laughing his ass off. I had my head down trying my best not to burst out laughing. While we were at the hotels, we would always be fighting. Not serious fighting either, but the shit be funny as hell. Eric and I was on the floor one time and I dragged him across the floor by his neck.

Just thinking about it now makes me wanna holler from laughter. Thinking of those memories make life go wild. It feels as if Eric was standing right beside me. I haven't cried once since Eric passed. I think it's my time to finally let out my feelings.

I hate feeling like a burden. I'm trapped in my own mind or something. Ever since he passed away, I didn't feel the same. It's like my stomach wasn't even a stomach. It was just a steep, dark hole that has been buried deep inside my body. No way to get rid of it. I tried thinking of other things beside Eric. But, he kept traveling through my mind day by day. I think that should mean something. Maybe this case will give us all closure..

Justice For Eazy-E (Eazy-E Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora