Chapter Twelve

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Dre's POV

I think I over-exaggerated a lot when I first seen Eric. It was like a dream visitation. I'm just glad that this was all just a bad nightmare.

"Eric?" I raise my eyebrow, watching Eric passing the blunt over to me 

"Wassup?" He lifts his head up at me again 

"I really do like you. You know that right?"

"Yeah, that's why I came over here. Not exactly. But, I'm feeling for you too."

"It's really early for me to say that. I would want to establish some type of relationship with you."

Eric slowly shrugged nervously, "I really don't know Dre. Either way I don't want this to ruin what we already have. Maybe in the future. Anyways, I heard about this case about me going on?"

I'm glad he switched up subject up because I was lost of words. Me thinking my best friend was going to go out with me. What kind of person am I?

"Um, yeah. We have a case going on for you about your wrongful death. Since you're not dead, I don't think there'll be need for that."

"Hmm, I think you should go along with it. Just pretend I'm dead or some shit. It probably won't work." Eric slowly slumps back on the couch, kicking back his tiny legs 

"I'll have it in consideration." I shift my eyes over at him slowly 

"You do know I can go to jail right?"


"I faked my death, that is why. I am not sure how I'm gonna get out of this." Eric slowly shook his head

"People have to find out sooner or later. There are so many people that think you're dead."

"I know, but I'm not trying to go to jail. Especially not now, I got things to do." Eric slowly got up from the couch, looking down at me 

I slowly glanced at him with a weak grin, "Well, I'll be seeing you soon?"

He grinned back with more strength than I did, "Yeah, definitely." 

Yella's POV

"Let's go!" I screamed at Ren, pulling on his arm with aggression 

"Aye stop touching me like that! I can charge you with assault." Ren rolled his eyes, following me to the other direction 

"We might as well go home." I slowly shook my head, watching the street lights get brighter 

"I guess." He shrugged his shoulders, putting his hands deep into his coat pockets 

"POW!" A sound echoed the streets violently 

I have not been posting for such a long time. Sorry for the wait. I think I am back temporarily. 

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