Chapter Four

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Present: SIMONE

And that was the beginning of a very long friendship. In the shower, I let the steam cover the glass as I wash my body and my hair, and continue thinking about my best friend.

I thank god for not puking or crying last night. Having Jace there did comfort me in a weird way. Then again, he always has a way about him. Without even telling him, he knew I needed him. He's never let me down yet. That doesn't mean my faith in men is cured. Men still suck.

After getting ready for work, I stop at my mailbox to check for my impending invite. There's a pretty envelope with pretty handwriting. Probably Jennifer's. Opening it, I see it is, indeed, a wedding invitation. With a roll of my eyes, I toss the invite in the trash and proceed to my car.

Maybe I should feel sorry for Jennifer. But maybe James sees something in her to make him want to change. It just sucks she was the girl he cheated on me with. And they are still together, planning a future, a white picket fence, and two point five kids. The dream. Fuck the dream.


The lunch gig runs smoothly. Catering has always been a dream of mine. I get to meet all walks of life, and my clients trust me to put my own special touch on their events. It's definitely a rewarding job to bring the clients vision to life, even if it is a simple luncheon. Thank god, I don't do weddings. That's just too much pressure. But I may have to tackle it later in my career in order to grow my business.

I started Taste three years ago, right around the time James and I were together. I have regular clients who always use my service for all their occasions. Then there's those that just like a big shindig and they go all out.

Once the luncheon is over, I let the staff leave while I pack up and head back home.


"Are you ready to get your ass kicked?" I ask confidently.

"Please. You better not cry if you lose," Jace teases.

Jace then turns to me with a devilish grin, and I know that is never a good sign. "How about a little wager?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"If I get to the top first, you come to the wedding with me. We pretend to be a couple. Just to aggravate James."

I laugh as if he's joking. "You are out of your mind. What if I win?"

"Then you don't have to go."

So Jace wants to play like we are a couple. Things just got a whole lot more interesting in the friendship of Simone and Jace, I think to myself.

"Fine. You got yourself a deal. But only if you can keep that dick in your pants from now on. Well, at least until it's over. We both know how much you love the ladies."

"It's a deal."

"You promise?" I ask.

"I pinkie promise," he says, latching his pinkie with mine.

"Just drive, so we can settle this," I tell him.

Jace pulls into Tar Rock Climbing and my confidence dwindles. Why did I make such a stupid bet? Dumb, Simone, dumb. Inside, the tall wall is intimidating. But I don't show fear as I pull my hair into a ponytail. I give myself a pep talk as I'm being strapped into the contraption. Sizing the wall up, I try to gauge my steps before we start. My long legs should come in handy.

"Ready?" Jace asks.

I exhale out. "I'm ready. Prepare to be beat by a girl."

My foot lands on a rock and I gain a good momentum. I've beat Jace in a lot of things like tether ball, dodge ball, and kick ball. Knowing that gives me the boost I need. Jace is better with video games, which he designs for a living.

When I get three quarters of the way, I can taste victory. But Jace bursts my bubble by getting to the top first. Son of a bitch.

"You cheated!" I yell.

"I did not. I won fair and square. Get ready to pack your bags, sweetheart." He smacks my ass when we reach the bottom, and I contemplate kicking him, right in his junk.

I huff in frustration as my harness is removed. This is rigged.

"It's only a four day weekend. It won't be that bad," he tells me.

I glare at him, and wonder why I let him talk me into this little charade. Still, how bad can it be? A little hand holding, maybe a hug here and there. Maybe not so bad.

"You know what? I'm going to go along with this charade just because I'm a good sportsman. Now I need a drink," I state as we walk out of the building.

Jace grins and pulls into the nearest bar, Charlie's Place. It's a hole in the wall type place. He pulls the door open, motioning for me to enter first. I head straight to the bar to order a jack and coke.

Shaking his head at the bartender, Jace decides to ruin my buzz. "We'll just have two Stella's please."

With a nod, the bartender passes us each a beer.

"I don't even know why you're sulking. I'm your best friend; you act like the thought of us pretending to be a couple is repulsive. If that's what you think, you can just forget about it. It's just a dumb bet, anyway."

Great. Now he's mad at me. "I don't think you're repulsive. God, Jace. It's not even about you. I've managed to avoid seeing your brother for nearly a year. I'm just trying to wrap my head around it."

He takes a swig of his beer. "Good. We'll have a good time. I promise."

"Pinkie promise?"

"I pinky promise." He chuckles, and, in return, I smile. "And I'll RSVP for both of us."

I continue drinking my beer and nursing my wounds, but say nothing.

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