Chapter Ten

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That seems to be becoming a regular thing...making an ass out of myself and sticking my foot in my mouth. And I fear I made things worse. Now Simone is going to call this Guy up and have a meeting. At least she introduced me as her boyfriend.

"I'm sorry. Just call him in the morning and set something up."

I try to smooth things over. Simone is going to do what Simone wants to do, anyway. Yet, she can't see what's right there in front of her. Maybe she doesn't feel the same way about me, because I've given her subtle hints that she doesn't seem to notice.

I should tell her sooner rather than later. But tonight is about her, and I can't drop this kind of bomb on her now. We continue to mingle with the other guests. Every guy in this room has been checking her out. It's as if I can sense what they are thinking...all the things they want to do to her, including Guy. He's just a little more clever about it. Then I remember she's on my arm, holding my hand, laughing at all the right moments. She plays the card well. We'll have no problem fooling James, and I can't wait to see the look on his face.

"What's on your mind?" Simone asks as we go outside to get some air.

"Nothing. I hope I didn't screw anything up for you. I'm sorry."

"I'm not mad at you. I don't want to seem too eager about any business propositions. I really have to think about them. So you were right. I just got caught up in the evening."

I hold my hand up. "No. I was wrong to interject like that."

Simone smiles. "Fine. How about we call it even?"

"Okay," I say, nodding. "You ready to go?"


We load into the truck and head home, the award resting in Simone's lap, her mind wandering as she looks out into the night air. Then she turns to me. "I think Leah and Jared had a nice time."

I give her a quick glance. "Yeah, I think so. It was a nice event."

"Thanks for coming along with me."

"Sure thing."

"You coming to Mom's tomorrow for dinner?"

"Sure am," I announce.

Pulling up to our apartments, I watch as Simone pulls off her heels and jumps out of the truck, oh so gracefully. I approach my apartment, next to hers.

"Thank you again, Jace."

"Goodnight, Simone."

She offers a smile, and I head into my own apartment.

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