Chapter Nine

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Saturday arrives, and I spend an insane amount of time getting ready for the event. Finding my little black dress in the back of my closet, I pull it out and lay it on the bed while I go shower.

After my shower, my stomach is a ball of nerves. With a towel wrapped around my body, I open a bottle of wine and pour myself a glass to calm my nerves. Bracing one hand on the counter, I bring the glass to my lips, taking a big gulp before heading back to my bathroom to get ready.

Blow drying my hair into loose waves, I work a little mousse in my hair and twist half of it up into a fancy do, leaving the rest hanging down in loose beachy waves. I start on my makeup, coating some light eyeshadow and a thick coat of mascara. I will not leave the house for any reason without at least applying mascara. It lengthens my lashes and makes my eyes look big.

In my room, I slip on the black dress. It's a simple black dress. Not too short and not long. Slipping my feet in a pair of silver sparkled stilettos, I look in the mirror and take a selfie to send Jane for her approval.

The caption for the photo is: What do you think?

She types back a few moments later. Love the dress and those fuck me stilts. You look freaking gorgeous.


Of course she would call my heels fuck me shoes. I figured she would have called them hooker heels. Oh well. At least they make my legs look great. Grabbing my sparkling clutch, I throw my phone, keys, and important cards inside.

Jace strolls in just as I make it to the living room, and my breath is stolen from me. What is up with that? "Wow. You clean up nice."

He straightens his suit jacket proudly. "Figured might as well go all out." And he did with a black suit and tie. I'm stunned at how good he looks, even though he's always been handsome.

"You sure did. Want a glass of wine before we go?"

"Yeah, sure. You look great by the way."

"Thanks." I pour us both a glass of wine from the bottle I opened moments ago and hand him a glass. We cheers then take large gulps. And I try not to laugh as we do so. "Okay. I'm ready when you are," I say, setting my empty glass in the sink.

Grabbing my clutch, I follow Jace out to the truck. He helps me in without having to flash him or anyone else. Smiling graciously, I pull on the seatbelt while he shuts the door for me.

Getting behind the wheel, I take in Jace's handsome features. His dimples show as he flashes me a smile. And his eyes crinkle whenever he's up to no good. Then there's the five o' clock shadow that begs for my hand to run over it.

Jace looks over at me and catches me staring at him. "What?"

I shake my head off such thoughts. "Nothing." I force my eyes to look forward.

He shrugs it off and heads for the main road. The event is being held at an old theater that usually holds concerts and showcases old movies. Jace and I came here once to see a country artist in concert; Kevin Sharp back in 1996 when his song 'Nobody knows it but me' was popular at the time. He has since passed away.

Outside the theater, lights flash around the white sign, welcoming us for the event. Jace's hand on the small of my back is something I'm trying to get used to. Inside, he takes my hand and leads us to two empty seats a few rows from the stage. Butterflies flutter in my belly as nervousness sets in again.

"I'm so nervous," I whisper.

"The hard part is already over. You just have to accept the award." Jace reaches over to squeeze my knee, and I smile.

"I don't have a speech ready, so I'm going to wing it if I need to," I confess.

The theater is starting to fill up, and the chairman takes the stage to begin. He's a middle aged man, decent looks, stands tall as he adjusts his glasses. The room is quiet as we listen to him speak. Apparently, there is a whole board of directors that decides who gets the awards.

The chairman's last line is, "Try not to let it go to your head."

Everyone breaks out in laughter.

The nominees have their names called, one by one. My name is called halfway through; Jace stands up to let me by. Thankfully, no speech is needed. Smiling, I accept the award and make my way back down to Jace. The award is made of solid glass, in the shape of a triangle, with Taste etched in the glass as best catering in the area.

We watch the rest of the awards and clap our hands at the appropriate times. When the restaurant owner of Sous is announced as best steakhouse, I remember Jace taking me there a few days earlier.

After the awards ceremony, we are ushered into a banquet room. Jace and I find Leah and Jared and join them at a table. Leah immediately comes over to touch the award like it holds some type of magic. She's in awe of it. I let her and Jared hold it. Dinner is served and the conversation flows between the four of us. Jace seems genuinely happy to be here.

After the meal, my nerves start to set in as Jace and I stand to go get a drink at the bar, because I'm normally not a people person. I find it hard to approach people on my own. Just call me socially awkward.

Recognizing the owner of Sous, I watch as he approaches us. He's the rugged handsome type with a tall build, and dark blond hair that curls at the ends. The 'I just ran my hand through it' kind of hair'. Handsome. Even his eyes smile as he grows closer with a beautiful brunette on his right as they approach.

He extends his hand out to me. "I'm Guy. I run Sous."

I shake his hand.

"I'm Simone, owner of Taste Catering. This is my...uh...boyfriend, Jace Prescott," I introduce.

"This is my colleague, Emily Warren." The four of us all shake hands. "We'd love to run an idea by you when you have a moment."

My eyebrows rise. "Oh."

Then Jace intercepts. "She'll be happy to take your card and get back to you."

Pulling a business card from his pocket, Guy hands me his card. "Call me so we can set up a meeting."

Taking the card, I smile. "Thank you. I will."

When he walks away, I look to Jace. "What the hell was that?"

"You can't just accept whatever he's offering on the spot. Let him sweat a little. You don't want to seem too eager either."

"Or he'll just find someone else. You're messing with my business here. These people are here to network. It's like you don't want me to succeed."

"Of course I do. I just want the best for you, and I'm not sure he's it." He huffs.

"Are you jealous, Jace?"

He points. "Of that guy? Please."

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