Chapter Thirteen

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After looking over the contract last night, my eyes started to cross. The easiest thing to do is to get a lawyer to look it over. You can never be too careful. Contracts can be tricky. I definitely need another set of eyes.

Dressing for work, I make my way to the kitchen and put the folder on the counter so I don't forget to take it with me. I press start on the coffee pot. Five minutes, later Jace comes bounding through the door. "Got time for breakfast?"

"Sure," I say, grabbing two thermoses so the coffee doesn't go to waste. Once those are full I pass one to Jace. With my folder in hand and coffee in the other, I follow him outside.

"I'll drive. Then I can drop you off at work and pick you up so you can start packing for the trip. We leave early tomorrow."

I nod. "That's fine." I let Jace take the lead on most of the conversation because I'm still trying to gauge his attitude for the day.

He points to my folder. "What's that? Oh. How did your dinner go?"

"It went great. Guy and Emily both want me to go into business with them. This is the contract that they gave me to look over. But it's a bunch of gibberish to me. So I'm going to have a lawyer look it over."

Jace pulls into a local diner. Once we enter, we are seated in a booth and menus are placed in front of us. Once the waitress comes over, we go ahead and order two specials with coffee.

"You know, my brother could look at that for you. He probably wouldn't even charge you."

I cringe at the thought of even having a conversation with James. "I don't know. Besides, I'm sure he is busy getting ready for the wedding."

Jace shrugs. "It's up to you. Whatever you feel comfortable with."

I wrap my hands around the coffee that the waitress brings us. "The meal Guy cooked was amazing. Oh, and I forgot to tell you that Guy is in love with Emily. I totally read that at the party on Saturday. I don't know the story, but there is something there." I can't help but smirk.

"Oh. So he really isn't into you?"

"No. As I said before, it was strictly business. Emily is an event planner, while Guy is in charge of the restaurant." When the food arrives, I change the subject. "Did you get the game worked out?"

"Yes. Thank fuck for that. The bugs were harder to get out than I thought. But I worked around the clock to get it fixed. So no interruptions this holiday weekend. What happens with your office if you accept their offer?"

"My staff comes with me, if they want. And the office would just be up for sale. Guy said there was more than enough space for all of us. And he offered me almost double my yearly salary."

"That's amazing. I hope it all works out for you."

I lean back and sink into the booth. "Thanks for breakfast."

"You know this is my way of saying I was an ass the other day, right?"

I smile. "I know."

"Come on; I better get you to work."

"Actually, I forgot I have some errands to run. Do you mind dropping me off at the apartment? Then I'm meeting Emily and Guy at Sous around lunch time for a tour."

"That's fine. I can do that." Standing, he throws a few bills on the table. And I try to snatch the check from him, but he's too quick and holds it so I can't reach it.

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