Chapter Six

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Jace and I arrive at my mom's for Sunday dinner. We hadn't done much over the weekend besides rock climbing, and somehow, he got me hooked on a Game of Thrones marathon.

But Sundays are always dedicated to spending it with Mom. We lost dad a few years ago to a heart attack. Losing a loved one brought us closer. James, my ex, handled Dad's will and was overseeing the financials to the businesses Dad ran. So he is a part of my life whether I like it or not. But avoiding him has been easier than I thought. I shake the thoughts from my head.

Jace sets the table for the three of us while Mom and I bring the food to the table. She made meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and corn, as well as rolls. It is a favorite meal of mine. Mom sits across from me, while Jace sits to my right.

"So, what have you two been up to?" Mom asks, placing a cloth napkin on her lap.

Jace decides to chime in. "Well, Simone has agreed to be my girlfriend." He is more than happy announcing this news.

I choke on my food.

Mom slaps the table with her hand. "It's about time. I'm so happy."

Jace slides an arm across the back of my chair. I just sit there letting him lie to my mom. I don't even know why I went along with it. I do know Jace is up to something and I reserve the urge to punch him until later.

Once dinner is over, I help clear the dishes while Mom packs us leftovers. Kissing Mom, we thank her for dinner and turn to leave. When Jace and I get outside, I reach over and punch his arm.

"What the hell?"

"Why did you lie to my mom like that? Telling her we're dating..." I shake my head.

"We have to make it look real. We can't just show up to the wedding and all of a sudden be dating. People need to believe it."

"I guess you're right. I need to go dress shopping. I'm calling your sister to go with me."

While Jace drives us to our respective apartments, I call Jane to meet me at my place. Once we get home, I have enough time to put the leftovers away and to freshen up, then there is a knock at the door.

She squeals the moment the door swings open. Reaching out to hug me, she wraps her arms around me. "Gosh. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever. Still gorgeous as ever."

"I love your hair short like that," I tell her.

"Thank you. With a husband and three kids, there isn't much time to mess with hair." I laugh as we load into her SUV. "Excuse the mess," she says. Once we are buckled in our seats, Jane pulls onto the main highway. "So dress shopping, huh?"

"Yeah;, for your brother's wedding." I start to talk really fast. "Somehow, Jace won a bet to get me to go. Everyone is supposed to think we are dating. He wants to play like we are a couple to annoy James."

Jane laughs loudly. "What the heck?"

"Exactly what I said. I think Jace has lost his damn mind. Anyway, we went rock climbing and he beat me to the top, so I have to escort him to the wedding and play girlfriend for the whole shindig. You know Jace and his competiveness."

Jane could not contain her excitement through the squeals that were making my ears bleed. "James is going to freak."

"I doubt it. He's marrying another woman," I tell her.

"That's the thing. He'll be pissed just because Jace is our little brother."

"Maybe. Don't you say a word to anyone. Jace is adamant on everyone believing us."

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