Chapter 3: Descripted Delusions.

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  Well, I saw something that apparently wasn't there. I don't get it.
  It had deep red eyes, kind of reminding me of blood, the darkest black hair, and pale, pale skin that can make the stars seem dark. I asked Veronica, "Did you see that?"
"See what?"
"That figure over there. He's wearing a black hoddie."
"I-I don't s-see anything. S-s-sorry."
    It was cold, so her teeth were chattering.

Veronica's POV:

  Well, when Wendy discribed the "figure" she saw, I knew exactly what she was describing: a vampire. I didn't pay any attention to it until it happened again three times.
  Every time Wendy would discribe it, I'd be more and more sure that it was a vampire.
Briana's POV:

  Veronica has been telling me that Wendy is seeing vampires that Veronica can't. She doesn't understand what is happening. Me and her both are comfused. 😕. I don't know.

Sierra's POV:

   When I heard about Wendy, I didn't know if they were kidding or not. Until last night. It was a full moon, and she said, "There he is!" I didn't know what to think. She had pointed off into the distance, scanning "him". I didn't understand what she saw, until I saw it too. Veronica and them think we're crazy. But I don't care.

Savannah's POV:

   Wendy and Sierra are crazy. I think that they are because they are delusional. They see vampires. Sierra saw a warewolf. I don't know why they are so descriptive with the delusions. I'm confused.

Wendy's POV:

   Sierra is the only one that sees him, too. She saw a werewolf, which I thought was pretty cool.

P.S. I don't have another follower yet, but if you read this story or my other one, Let Light Meet Death, please follow me. Sorry for the long chapter. Bubye!

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