Chapter 4: Now Known To All

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A/N I know I update a lot but I want to get this story done to work on my other stories. Don't forget to check out my other stories Let Light Meet Death and Creepy Texts. Thanks for the views and votes.

Wendy POV:

Well, I know that things have been crazy, but things are better now. I thought that Briana and VR (Veronica) were regular people. But they aren't even human beings! Briana will tell you what she is. I can't bring myself to say it.
I know why VR doesn't show her eyes. She only has bottomless black pits. They used to be there, she said. The right one red, left one blue. She discribed the shades they were and everything. The red one was a deep blood burgundy and the blue one was the color of the ocean. Discribed really well.

Briana's POV:

Wendy didn't want to explain this, so I will. I'm a vampire. I don't only drink blood, but I hate raw meat. I wore colored contax to hide the blood-red eyes. VR is - was - a vampire, too. Explains the one red eye. She isn't a vampire anymore because her eyes are gone. If you lose an eye, you're not a vimpire anymore. At all.
Anyhoo, VR's turn!

Veronica's POV:

Yep, used to be a vampire. I made myself have no eyes. I was the shortest vampire, so I wanted it to stop. I heard of how to get rid of being a vampire, but they had said two, not just one. I can still see fine, just I don't have eyes. Well, see ya later!

Wendy's POV:

You heard VR say that too, right? She made herself a human? That explains why she complains. Duh! I'm not confused about that anymore. Well, bye!

P.S. I don't think I have any new followers, so that's it! Until next time...Bubye!

Darkness, My Only Friend author x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora