Chapter Three

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Once we finished lunch, it was time to feed Hope. "Could you please bring the baby formula?" My mother asked a nearby maid. The maid scurried away. "Now honey," my mom started. She glanced at my husband." and Maxon. Feeding a baby is not as easy as it sounds. She will spit up and refuse to eat. So you will always have to keep a cloth on hand. And, no matter how cheesy it sounds, you will have to do the airplane spoon. I'll demonstrate." After feeding Hope a spoonful of pea formula and cleaning up some spit up, she hands me the spoon.

"Now you try." After both Maxon and I successfully managed to feed Hope, my mother picks her up. "I'll go clean her up and ," She raises her eyebrows," leave you two alone." She winks at me. I giggle. My mom knows exactly what to do. Maxon and I do need some time to talk.

After she leaves, Maxon sighs and puts his arm around me. "How are you, my dear?"

"Still don't like the name!" He laughs. "I see. But really, how are you?"

"Well, I'm weak,tiered, worried, and so happy I could sing."

"I as well. I always knew I loved children, but my love for Hope goes beyond anything I could've imagined."

I nodded. "It's like although people talk about how wonderful and beautiful having children is, nothing will ever prepare you for it." Now Maxon was staring at me. We were finally alone. I stopped talking so we could get closer. I put my arm around his neck and- " King Maxon, you have a press conference in five." We both jumped. Couldn't we just kiss for FIVE SECONDS without interruption?! Well, I guess this is what life is like for a parent/King or queen. Maxon smiled, but I could see an apology in his eyes. "Coming, Satavos." He leaned down and kissed my cheek. "I'll see you later." As he slipped out of the room, my mom slipped in. She waved to Maxon. When the doors close, she says,"Good, he's gone."

I gasp. "Mom! That's my husband. And wait, where is Hope?"

"Well, America, I brought her to the hospital wing." Okay, I'm getting worried. Why did she bring her there? Is she alright? "Don't worry, sweetheart, we just need to finish her lunch there."

"Why? I thought she was done eating."

"You'll see when we get there."


As I sat there with Hope, my mother and I chatted. "So you had to do this for all five of us?"

"Yes, and you get used to it after a while."

I guess I should have expected this. After all, most babies are breastfeed. It's natural.

"Mom, you didint have to bring me here to show me how to do this."

"Yes, but I though you might want to learn about this without him."

"You're right, but...he's my husband, and the father of my child."

"But that doesn't mean that he needs to be included in everything."

She gave me a pointed look, and I knew that that was the end of the conversation.

Back in the nursery, I was sitting in the rocking chair, rocking Hope to sleep. She could be released from the hospital wing since we had a nurse on call at the touch of a button. Even after all of my months in the palace, I would never have imagined such a luxury.

One of the perks of winning The Selection.

Of making it into The Elite.

Of becoming The One.

But the true prize was Maxon. I didint like to think of it that way, though.l think of us as a unit. As two people coming together as one. And I love Maxon. So, as half of me, as Maxon Shereve, I don't think of him as the prize.

I think of him as the best thing in the world.

The Door creeks open. "Darling?" Maxon whispered.

"Speaking of The Best Thing In The World."


I giggle. "Nothing."

He stands at my side and rocks with me. And for a while, we just rock. Until Maxon whispers, "America?"


"Remember earlier when you said you were so happy you could sing?"


"So why don't you?"

I softly begin to sing a lullaby.

After I finish, we both kiss Hope goodnight, and we head to our room.

Both of us were already in our pajamas, so we could just go to bed. But just before k claimed in, Maxon pulled me in for a kiss. Finally.

No one to interrupt us.

We slowly pulled apart after a long time and sleepily climbed into bed.

We fell asleep together, arm in arm.

And the best day of our lives ended.


Hey, people! I hope that was long and satisfying. I know this is on late notice, but tomorrow I'm leaving for sleep away camp. I'm only going for a week, so I'll be posting chapter four next Wensday. Please vote and have a good week!


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