Chapter Thirteen

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I wake up with Maxon's face right over mine. On instinct, I screamed.

"Ahh!" He jumps back. "Why did you scream?"

"Your face was RIGHT IN FRONT OF MINE. Why would I NOT scream?"

He shakes his head. "No reason."

"That is not a good way to wake up."I put my hand to my forehead. Why is he even in here? There was so much distance between us yesterday, and now I wake up with him in my bedroom.

"Maxon, why are you in here?"

"I thought that since we haven't gotten to spend much time together, " he crawls under the bed covers," I would make you breakfast in bed."

Before I get the chance to ask, a maid walks in holding a platter. "Lucy! " She sets it down.

"Enjoy, miss." She winks and smiles before exiting.

"Do you like it? I made it myself." My eyes dart to the tray. Violets in a small vase, a glass of orange juice, waffles topped with syrup and whipped cream, fresh fruit, and finally, a strawberry tart. Sure, the orange juice was pulpy, the waffles burnt, the fresh fruit was not-so-fresh, and the strawberry tart was a bit messed up. Maybe the flowers were kind of wilted. It's the thought that counts, and the meal had more sentimental value than most people could tell.

The violets were my birth month flower, and were only grown near our bench in the palace garden. Breakfast food was all I craved during my pregnancy, hence the orange juice and waffles. And of course, strawberry tarts are what he used to win me over. Literally.

My morning brain must have taken a long time to think this stuff, because Maxon interrupted me with," Are you alright, darling?"

"Yes! I love it. "


I started eating. "Aren't you going to have some too?"

"As a matter of fact, I will." He pulled a fork and knife out of his pajamas pocket.

I laugh. "Always prepared."


We start eating.

"Okay, first question. Why was Lucy dressed as a maid?"

"Early in the morning, I went down to the kitchens where Lucy works. I asked her to help me surprise you with breakfast in bed. She said yes, and insisted on dressing as a maid."

I giggled. "Lucy is so sweet."

Maxon smiled. "Any more questions?"

"Did you really make this?"

He nodded earnestly. "It took me forever, but I did."

"Thank you, sweetie." I kissed him. I knew that, by how romantic he was being, he would at least let me. But he actually kissed me back. Wow.

"Now I have one question for you."

"What is it?"

"Why is your nose so white?"

"What? My nose is it's normal-"

He quickly took a gob of whipped cream and wiped it on my nose.

"Oh, its on." He leaned away, but I put a handful on him.

Then he got me in the cheek. I tried to get him in the eye, but he kissed me.


I couldn't say no to that face.

"Truce." I agreed.

We kissed again. It looked like it might go for a long time, but I remembered that we had breakfast in front of us. I pulled away.

" Lets eat."

We both dug in. I forgot about the whipped cream on our faces until Paige came in with Hope. Gosh, we must have looked ridiculous.

"Lord, was she crying? Some parents we are." Maxon snorted.

"No, your highness, this is her wake up hour."

I nodded to confirm that to Maxon.

"Ah, well lets see my little doe." Paige passed her off to him. He was holding her, calling her the nickname we made up, AND worrying about her. This is ten times more affection than I would've expected in the last week in one morning. What was going on?

" In a family full of snow noses, I think our new kin looks a tad out of place. Right America?"

"Yes, indeed." With that, Maxon proceeded to smear whipped cream on the nose of our two week old daughter. "There we go. As a strong and mighty steer, I could not be more happy to have a dear AND a doe with the same nose as me." I rolled my eyes.

Hope started reaching for the rest of the whipped cream.

" Can she eat that?"

"Yes, of course. It's soft and she doesn't need to chew it."

Once our doe was done making a mess, I feed her some milk.

"My eyes are up here, steer."

"I know, I was just looking at Hope." I rolled my eyes. "Okay."

After a few more minuets, I put breakfast aside so I could clean Hope up.

"She needs a bath."

"That's fine."


"Are you alright, Maxon?"

"I'm fine." Weather he wanted them to or not, his eyes said otherwise. The chocolate brown they always were had turned dull. Under them, there were dark bags. Not even the brightest smile could hide the fact that he had stuble covering his chin.

I sighed. Something was seriously bothering him.

I moved towards the door. Just before I walked into the hallway, I looked at him and tugged my ear.

He did the same.


Hey! I know, this chapter is OVER A WEEK LATE. I'm not going to try excuses. I am SO SORRY! Tomorrow I start school. Yay eighth grade. :( When are you guys going back to school? This week, I will be posting something, although it will probably be short. You can expect that on either Saturday or Sunday. The week after, I will try to post on the regular days, but it will probably be spotty for the next couple of weeks. I LOVE YOU GUYS. So just remember that I haven't forgotten about Wattpad. If you were wondering where the nicknames in this story came from, I rewrote part of chapter eight. It's pretty self explanatory, so you don't have to go read it. Maxon and America really just make up the nicknames. I gotta go, bye!


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