POV Thursday number 1

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I woke up next to Carter. "Moving day." I said as I sat up.

He groaned. "Time to pack up already?"

"Yes. My cousin will be bere soon.

"Why can't we just stay here?" He whined.

"You know the answer. And besides, our jobs are in Kent, not Angeles." I started to make the bed, but Carter just pulled me back down." Stay with me."

"Carter, I need to get up and make the be-" He stopped my speaking by kissing me. I pushed him away. "Carter Woodwork, we need to get up. NOW."

"Fine, but you're not getting this." He clutched the blanket.

I sighed. "Please dot play games with me, Im-"

"Mommy?" I turned to see Charlie at the edge of the bed.

"Hi sweetie. What do want for breakfast?"

"Pancakes!" He shouted, giddy.

"Okay, champ. Why don't you go brush your teeth first?" Carter cut in.

Charlie ran off to the bathroom. I gave Carter a hard look. He dropped the blanket and smiled.


"How did we get all of this stuff? The last time I checked we only had our jobs, a quilt, and each other."

"Well, we got a lot of presents for our remarriage in July."

Carter was carrying the rest of our bags while I just carried Charlie. His back was healed, after all.

"Speaking of remarriage, do you remember what today is?"

He looked at me like there was a bug on my face. "Friday the 29th?"

"Yes, but it's also something more important."

"Hmmm... oh, its Charlie's half birthday! Happy half birthday , son!" He kissed Charlie's forhead.

I cant belive that he forgot our anniversary! Honestly, our first anniversary! I huffed out a breath as we walked down the stairs . Two gards opened the doors for us. The first thing i saw outside was the face of someone I havent seen in a long time.


My cousin and I haven't seen each other in so long! I broke into a run and hugged him.

"Ready to go home, Marlee?"

"Definitely. I've missed you all so much!"

"Say goodbye to everyone?" My head stopped in mid nodd. America! How could I forget to say goodbye to her? She knew i was leaving but... I thrust Charlie into Ruben's arms and started sprinting.

"Marlee!Where are you going?"

"America." Was all I managed to say.

I keept runing until i got to where The Report is filmed. I pushed the door open. I saw the back of her head. "America!" I shouted. She turned around and hugged me.

"How did you find me?"

"You told me that you would be down here after lunch to help Clemintine with the decorations." Clemintine waved at me.

"Are you leaving?"America looked sad.

"Yeah."She made a sad face.

"Dont forget to call me, or ill fly out to Kent to find you. Trust me, you dont want that."

"No, I dont. All the headlines would be saying the same crazy thing."

"Queen leaves important business meeting on flight to show up at best friends doorstep."

Clemintine chimed in. We all burst out into laugher.

"Where are Hope and Maxon?"

"Hope is taking a nap and Maxon is doing work in his office."

"Aww. Well give them both a kiss goodbye for me." I blew a kiss to America.

"I will."

We hugged one last time.

"I have to go. Goodbye!"

"Goodbye, Marlee. Oh, and happy anniversary!" She called as I scattered away.

The car ride back to Kent was a long one. Carter and I wanted our family to drive us back. No need to waste an airplane on the three of us.

Charlie took a nap, Carter and I joked around, and Ruben introduced us to his new boyfriend Jonathan. He was very nice. I thought it was so sweet that he volunteered to come with Ruben.

So that was most of my anniversary. Driving accross the contry in a small car talking to my husband who seems oblivious to the fact that today is our first anniversary. And trying to entertain a toddler.We're staying at my family's home for a week until we get settled. I grabbed the last bag and held Charlie's hand as we walked up the steps.

I opened the door and steped inside the house. The lights were out. What was that for? "Hey, whats going-" The lights flickered on and all of my family jumped up and screamed, "Surprise!"

A banner that was hung up said "Happy Anniversary!" Charlie hopped out of my embrace and ran into my mothers arms.Carter came up from behind me.

"You really dont think I forgot, do you?" I shook my head. He pulled a box out from his pocket that had a lovley purple heart necklace inside it.

He pulled my lips to his and kissed me.

And I kissed him back.

Bet you weren't expecting this chapter, were you? This is going to be a daily thing. Every Thursday, a chapter will be posted that catches us up with people like Aspen or Marlee. Its called POV Thursday.

I HOPE you guys like it!

I'll be pos- wait, what? No,no,no,no! Ummm... just keep her in there for ONE MORE MINUTE I'm almost done.

Exuse me, Lady Gaga just woke up from her nap. Boy, she is a handful. I have to go.


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