Chapter 1

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Kendall's POV

A week has passed and Angel gave me an amazing disguise. But this disguise was a little unusual. "Angel, why did you give me a girl disguise?" I asked.

"Well, you told me that you needed a great undercover disguise. And I thought that if I turned you into a girl, it would have been a great disguise."she answered.

I sighed. "I gotta hand it to you. It is a pretty good disguise." I get up and almost fall.

"Easy, you can sprain your ankles if you don't walk properly in heels."

I look at her. "This is why I don't want to be in a girl disguise."I said.

"Hey, I worked so hard on this disguise. If it doesn't work... Then I will change you into a guy again."she said. "But I do have to say, you make a pretty girl."she added.

"Oh well, thank yo- No this is not the point."

She sighed."Just please give this a chance. Pretty please?"She gives me puppy eyes and pouts.

"Oh alright."

"Yay! Now all we got to do is train you to walk in these heels and work on that girl voice."

"Um yeah about the heels, I-"

She interrupted,"Look, Kendall. These heels goes great with this outfit."

"Can't I go with flats?" I suggested.

"Look do you want to look casual? Or classy?"

"Anything that won't give e a wedgie like these tights you gave me." I said standing up while getting wedgie.

"I do have this outfit that may work with your figure." She said.

"Is it pants? Please tell me it's pants!"I begged.

Angel looked at me weirdly. "No, it's a sundress with this beautiful hat."

"It's comfortable right?" I asked.

"Of course. I'll get it for you." She gets up and looks for the outfit.

I look at myself in the mirror and I jumped back in my chair. Thinking to myself,'I am a good looking lady...That was weird.'

"Found it!" Angel yelled and I jumped.

"Angel! Don't of that again?" I said to her while chuckling a little.

"Sorry? Um what exactly did I do?" She asked.

"Nothing... Never mind that. Did you get the clothes?"

"Yup."She hands me the clothes. "There you go. Go try them on.

I receive the clothes and get up." Thanks. Hey this may sound weird but can you unzip me?"

She laughs, but unzips the dress. While I kick off the heels and walk to the bathroom and change.

I start to take off the dress off until I realized the wigs don't on my head anymore."Uh oh!"

"Everything ok in there?"Angel asked concerned.

"Oh yeah, everything's peachy!" I said looking for the wig. And I saw it was in the toilet. And almost freaked. "Oh no."

"What was that?!" Angel asked.

"Um nothing."I said casually.

"You dropped something in the toilet again, didn't you?"

"It wasn't my fault. I forgot the wig was on my head. I'm so very sorry." I said.

"Don't worry. It's a professional wig. I can wash it. It's alright. I promise." She replied. I sighed in relief. And continued to dress myself.

I got out of the bathroom, holding the other clothes I was wearing and a wet wig.

"I'll take that out of your hands."She says as she takes the stuff from my hands. "You didn't use the bathroom before you dropped it right?" She asked.

"Before? Like an hour ago?" I said teasing her.

"Kendall?!"she looked at me with a stern face.

"No I didn't." I chuckled.

"I'm gonna go wash this and style it all over again."

"You know my band BTR have a song called 'All Over Again'" I stated.

She blushes and looks at me. "I know. That's my favorite song."

I chuckle. "I'm glad you like it."

"I'm gonna go. Wash. You know. Oh thanks a lot!" She says a little embarrassed.

"Don't be embarrassed."I smile at her. "Come on we're best friends. No embarrassment here okay?"

She chuckles."Okay, it's a good thing you're Kendall and not Dustin."She goes over to the sink and washes the wig.

I follow her. "What do you mean?"

She continues washing the wig."I have this huge crush on him. I mean I would really love to have him here, but sometimes I get really shy. It will be embarrassing if I talk to him. Cause who knows what words will come out of my mouth."

I chuckle. "Dustin's a kind of guy who loves girls like that. I can probably hook you guys up if this scandal ends."

She looks at me. "Okay. 1. Really he does? 2. Like I said I'm shy. And 3. You know you're making this scandal a little worse by disguising yourself?"

"Yes. So? And they started it not me? They need to investigate more." I answered her.

"Okay whatever. This is gonna take a while to style. Just... Go sit or something."she commanded.

I shrug and turned on the tv.

"Today we've found Schmidt's wife, Patricia, who is also looking for him with the others. What do you have to say to the viewers." I can't believe it. She's right there. My beautiful wife was there crying. I turned up the volume as she spoke.

"I know he's still out there. I can feel that he's still alive." Patricia said while putting her hand over her heart, crying.

Angel looks over to the tv and back to the wig. "She's the reason why people were investigating again."

I look down as I watch my wife being brought down my the reporter. "I never thought how much it would affect her." I turned off the tv and looked at Angel.

"That was about a month ago." Angel said.

"Come agin?"I asked.

"That interview. That was about a month ago. You know once you've gained your memory you saw the paper that said you were dead. No one could find you." Angel responded. "That was recorded Kendall. Do you still want to do this?"

I look up. Wow this was a month ago? Everyone probably did forget about me. I started thinking. And looked at the paper. And back at Angel.

"Let's do this."

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