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please don't glorify suicide.

i watched my friends best friend have a panic attack in the shed that he killed himself in. he had to drag his body down. later that day, we burned the rope.

i had to comfort my best friend at her friends funeral after she shot herself.

i'll never forget the cold gleam in my aunts' eyes after her daughter committed suicide.

my friend cried on my shoulder while she threatened to kill herself. she had promised she'd do it.

my best friend sobbed while she told me about the scars on her thighs. she had said she wanted nothing more than to die.

i had to listen to the absolute anger my boyfriend unleashed after i told him i tried to kill myself. i can still hear his words.

i watched my friends little siblings sob while they buried their brother. his mother had to explain why their older brother hung himself.

my friends mom gave me a painting, that my friend had drawn, after he killed himself. i always take a couple minutes out of my day to look at it.

please don't glorify suicide. it's a certain kind of pain that nobody should have to endure, and yet, so many do. it's not beautiful, or a plot line for your romantic comedy. it's gut wrenching. it leaves a hole that can never be filled.

please stop glorifying suicide.

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