Chapter 10

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Jaebum's POV:
Jennie came to ask me why I hit her but I didn't reply.

I was kind of mad but I would not truly be mad at her. Maybe I was just kind of disappointed that she moved out. I enjoyed having her with me most of the time. I know I shouldn't be greedy but this is just really how I feel. I don't know what to tell her. Over time, I've slowly developed feelings for her and it made me confuse.

The dance was just a few days away and life has been a complete mess. (Especially some people's questionable decisions)

But I have always wanted to tell this to Jennie, my plan was to tell her at the dance. I kept pushing it back, giving an excuse, wasting time.

I would tell her if I had the courage but I was a coward.

Every time I look at her my heart pounds, my breath stops, my face burns.

It's her effect on me. It's just something about her that makes me like her more and more.

It's annoying, it's probably not ideal.

but it feels right.....

on why i'm so dead,
This is just a short update to show that i'm still alive and will still continue this fanfic (and all the rest) so wait for me.

Since i'm no where near free, updates would probably come two weeks later.:/ sorry for my SUPER INACTIVENESS. (And laziness cuz i suck :(

Still thanks for sticking with me, ♥️

[Jaebum and Jennie] Uncontrollable World (Continued from first book)Where stories live. Discover now