Chapter 15

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Jennie's POV:
I was helping Jisoo pick an outfit when I got a text. It was from Jaebum, asking me if I was free to go out.

Hi. You free to go out?

I looked at Lisa and Lisa just nodded at me, saying I could go.

What's the plan?

I'll pick you up in ten minutes.


I threw on whatever clothes was comfortable and got ready I was jumping around like a little child. Why does this always happen when I think of going out with Jaebum?

I looked at Lisa. She was going to be at home alone again. I felt worried for her. She's always listening to ask talk and not doing anything. I wonder what her relationship with Bambam is like.

She must have felt me watching and said, "You don't have to worry about me, I'll be fine. Go have fun!" She switched on the television when the doorbell rang. I opened the door and BamBam walked in, "Hey Jennie! I've come to watch tv with Lisa," He looked so excited I laughed. Jaebum poked his head in and added, "Everyone else was out and he was scared to be alone so I brought him."

I looked at Lisa and she just shrugged.
At least she would not be lonely anymore.

I got into the car and asked where we were heading to. He just told me to wait and see. He drove to a restaurant and we got off. "So my parents own this restaurant," He said so casually.

Does that mean I am going to meet them?
We're not official yet though.

I just nodded, trying to hide my nervousness. We went in and Jaebum was instantly greeted by a woman, I assumed was his mother. She saw me and smiled, "And who is this?" she asked. I replied by saying that I was a friend, which I got a skeptical look from Jaebum and she introduced herself as his mother.

He ordered what he thought was the best food there and I was not disappointed. The food there was simply delicious. After eating, he drove to somewhere else. It was pretty dark but I could tell we were going to the beach. The car ride was mostly silent.

"You know, I'm kind of disappointed in you. What you mean you're my friend?" Jaebum finally broke the silence.

I raised an eyebrow and him and he simply sighed. He found a parking lot and we went out the beach was actually filled with people at night and I did not expect that. I guess I have not been out a lot.

[Jaebum and Jennie] Uncontrollable World (Continued from first book)Where stories live. Discover now