your not alone

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"Nothing," Judy said looking at her paws, Y/n knew something wrong so he lightened the mood by saying something you never thought you would tell,"Let me tell you a story,its about a b/t and their friend b/f/n a loyal a/t~ (animal type)." You told her everything and said,"That's why I'm alone," you say,tears pouring down your furry cheeks.Judy understood your pain somehow, sometimes she felt lonely herself,she could remember when she was little.

Judy POV

  Y/n's story was heart breaking, his best friend died,he even told me how his family abandoned him due to his mental breakdowns. (Who else has mental breakdowns? Me).
I felt sorry,I took him to his apartment and helped him settle in,I was staying there for a while until he's better.I sat on his bed beside him and said,

"You're never alone while I'm here"

Judy hopps x male bunny readerWhere stories live. Discover now