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**Kongpop's Pov**

After Arthit got seated and I was laying on the floor, the light turned on and finally, I see who it was, of course, how could I underestimate my family.

"What the hell you guys"I said in frustration.

"You, young man you better keep your mouth shut" My dad said, and yes he was the one who pulled me from Arthit and pushed me to the ground and my sister and mom were the ones who took Arthit to the couch.

"Yes, I don't wanna hear a single word from you" my mom said, what's wrong with them?

"Son, are you okay?" My mom then asked Arthit.

"Umm hello, I was the one who was pushed to the ground" I said.

"God, mom told you to shut up right" P'earth, my sister said.

"No, tell me what's going on" I said after looking at the terrified expression on Arthit's face.

"What's going is that you are a monster" Dad said moving towards Arthit too.

"Earth give him some water, the poor boy is so traumatized" Dad said and P'earth passed him some water.

"Yeah look his face is so pale as if he has seen a ghost" my mom said caressing cheek and he grew paler, god you guys are the one traumatizing him.

"Seriously where did I go wrong honey" my mom asked dad.

"No honey, it's not your fault I should have been stricter with him" Dad said.

"No mom and dad you guys are not responsible for his heinous acts" P'earth said consoling them.

"Seriously what did he say? That he's so fucking rich that he can do whatever he wants? Like hell, just wait and I'll make you completely penniless" Dad said glaring at me.

"Woah Woah let me explain, you guys misunderstood" I said, due to that silly game what the fuck are they thinking about me?

"Baby do you need anything?" Mom said looking at Arthit as if he's some little kitten that needs to be protected ok he is but he's the one who started it.

"Mom.." I said but they cut me off.

"Not another word" P'earth said warning me.

"Hey what's your name Nong?" She then went to Arthit.

"Umm... Arthit P'," Arthit replied and I don't know what he's feeling right now, he's probably dying inside due to embarrassment and the nervousness of meeting my parents.

"So hey Arthit, you don't need to be afraid ok? We are here for you" P'earth said.

"Yes, Arthit you need to be strong and face such monsters and fight back" Mom told him, seriously I'm a monster?

"Mom, dad..." I again tried talking.

"We said shut up" they all said in unison.

"You know what I'm disowning you right now, you are really proud of your money right? Let's see how you'll like it now" Dad said glaring at me.

"Yes, we'll also file a police complaint against him" Mom said.

"Yes and don't worry Arthit I'll get you the best lawyer" P'earth said looking at me with disappointment.

"Umm actually no I... We were... I can't file the complaint" Arthit finally spoke up, yes my baby shut them up and tell them the truth.

"Listen Son, you don't need to be afraid of him ok? He will not be able to hurt you anymore" My mom said hugging him, seriously why is my family so extra.

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